ISC - The Industrial Simulation Conferences Page


The aim of the Industrial Simulation Conference (ISC) is to be the annual international industrial simulation conference based in Europe, which aims at giving a complete overview of industrial simulation related research and at providing an annual status report on present day industrial simulation research within the European Community and the rest of the world.

With the integration of artificial intelligence, agents and other modelling techniques, simulation has become an effective and appropriate decision support tool in industry. The exchange of techniques and ideas among universities and industry, which support the integration of simulation in the everyday workplace, is the basic premise at the heart of the ISC conference. The ISC conference consists of four major parts; the first part concerns itself with discrete event simulation methodology, the second and biggest part with industrial simulation applications, a third one with industrial themed workshops, and last but not least the fourth part, namely the poster sessions for students. The whole is then complemented by an exhibition.


As Europe lacked a real industry oriented simulation conference and as as the European Union policy is to integrate scientific academic research with hands-on industrial simulation applications, the ISC conference was launched in 2003. Precursors of the ISC conference were the USER and ESS conferences. Its aim is to be the major European meeting on the use of simulation in industry, in all its facets from the pure programming part to a wide variety of applications, which are of an extreme importance to the future of Europe and its partners in the world. During those years of its existence so far, it has proven to be the ideal meeting place for academics and industry minded people to meet and forge relationships on a professional level using simulation knowledge as the bonding factor.
From 2010 onwards, ISC has focused more on simulation applications for the factory of the future (e.g. transformable factories, networked factories, learning factories, digital factories, digital manufacturing) depending on different drivers such as high performance, high customisation, environmental friendliness, high efficiency of resources, human potential and knowledge creation as set out by the EU.


For ISC:
Selected papers on energy are published in the International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology (see the editors'list), the International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology and The Central European Journal of Engineering.


"Dear Philippe:
Great thanks. I will include them in producing the final paper. I am quite impressed on the details of the reviews. This is the conference where I have gotten the most careful reviews of papers. Normally the reviews for conference papers are not as careful.
This is my first participation on this conference but now I look forward to participating in the coming years.

Jose Castro

ISC'2025, June 3-5, 2025, University of Skovde , Skovde, Sweden
