12th European
 Concurrent Engineering Conference 


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First Name:
Occupation and/or Title:
Mailing Address:

Yes, I intend to attend the 2005 European Concurrent Engineering Conference:
  Presenting a paper (by submitting an extended abstract or a full paper)
  Presenting a short paper (by submitting a 1-2 page short paper proposal)
  Participating in the industrial program or by organizing a vendor session
  Proposing a panel discussion (please mention the names of the intended panelists)
  Contributing to the exhibition
  Without presenting a paper

The provisional title of my paper / exhibited tool is:

With the following highlights:

The paper belongs to the category (please tick one): TO SUBMIT THE ABSTRACT OR PAPER ITSELF USE THE THEMES PAGE
E-Business in CE
Organization and Management
Supporting Technologies
Formal Methods and Techniques
Engineering of Embedded Systems
Process Management
Engineering Data Management and Information Modeling
Engineering Process Management
Collaborative CE Environments for Virtual Teams
Practical Applications and Experiences

The paper will be submitted as a:
Full Paper (5-8 pages)      Extended Abstract (3-4 pages)      Short Paper (1-2 pages)
Please note that only full papers and extended abstracts can be accepted to be worked out as regular papers in the proceedings. Only a small percentage of full paper submissions will be considered for an extended, 8 page paper. Submissions shorter than one full page, will not be considered at all.

Other colleague(s) interested in the topics of the conference is/are:


If you would like to receive more information about EUROSIS and its activities, please tick the following box:
YES, I would like to know more about EUROSIS.
NO, please remove me from your database.

If e-mail fails, you can also print this information and send / fax it to:
Philippe Geril, EUROSIS-ETI,
The European Simulation Office
Ghent University,
Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
Phone: +32-9-2337790, Fax: +32-9-2234941

Page created by Philippe Geril. Last update 04-11-04.
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