At present two workshop
proposals are being offered. These workshops are free to all
participants of the conference, but people who only want to take
part in the workshop and not in the conference will have to
register for €100. This includes
the workshop handouts, 2 coffeebreaks and lunch).
You can register for
the Workshop on Semantic Web Applications
You can register for the Workshop on Distributed Multimedia
Workshop on Semantic Web Applications
Organised by Dr. Hans Joachim Nern of
Aspasia Knowledge Systems.
The Semantic Web provides a common framework
that allows data to be shared and reused across application,
enterprise, and community boundaries. It is a collaborative effort
led by W3C with participation from a large number of researchers
and industrial partners. It is based on the Resource Description
Framework (RDF), which integrates a variety of applications using
XML for syntax and URIs for naming. You can view the dedicated
WSWA website
To submit your own paper in this field, use
this link.
Today’s multimedia
systems are complex self-organizing file-sharing systems (see
e.g., the popular Morpheus system). The main components of such
systems are: database, multimedia storage server, networks and
client systems in increasingly mobile environment. The research
challenges are various and numerous, at each level. For example,
there is still a lot of work to do for document description (e.g.,
MPEG and W3C standards), multimedia systems' performance and
interoperability. Today's mobile applications bring also the need
for multimedia adaptation to the available resources (terminal,
network etc.) but also to the user (preferences, behaviour etc.).
Multimedia database systems (often on the server-side) and
adaptation techniques (often on client- or proxy-side) meet some
of these challenges and need to be deployed as open hypermedia
systems, easily accessible from everywhere on any terminal.
This workshop
reflects concepts, technologies and tools for distributed,
content-based multimedia systems. We will focus on the practical
uses of standard technologies such as MPEG, SMIL and SQL/MM and
interoperability among them (for document exchange, transactions,
interaction, adaptation and so on). Contributions that present an
integrated vision of an open distributed multimedia framework that
seamlessly integrate various technologies in a cooperatively
working environment will receive a special consideration.
Topics include:
multimedia databases
adaptive distributed architectures for multimedia
adaptation techniques and mobile applications
- system
interfaces and programming tools to support distributed multimedia
multimedia content creation, processing, distribution and
management using
architectures, and systems for distributed multimedia indexing and
- proof
of concept" implementations and case studies
Prof. Vincent
Charvillat and Prof. Romulus Grigoras
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
Section Computer Science
Toulouse, France
Prof. Harald Kosch
Institute of
Information Technology
University Klagenfurt, Austria
To submit your own paper in this field, use
this link.