Conference Workshops
Textile processes simulation: modelling and simulation in clothing, dyeing
and finishing process simulation, production units simulation, textile logistics, spinning
mill, spinning simulation, sales forecasting, weaving and knitting simulation...Textile
products and materials simulations: textile products simulation and textile chemistry :
composite materials, dynamical behaviour of textile structures, fireproofing simulation,
flame retardant products, new textiles properties evaluation by simulation, smart and
communicating clothes, chemical processes simulation in textiles. Submit
your proposal here
on Intelligent Transport Systems
A broad range of diverse technologies, known collectively as intelligent
transportation systems (ITS), holds the answer to many of our transportation problems. ITS
is comprised of a number of technologies, including information processing,
communications, control, and electronics. Joining these technologies to our transportation
system will save lives, time and money. ITS
enables people and goods to move more safely and efficiently through a state-of-the-art,
intermodal transportation system. Simulating this aspect of transportation is one of the
major challenges of our time. Submit your proposal here
MATN ((Multimedia: Applications, Technologies and Networks).
Topics: - Multimedia and applications: a.. E-learning b.. Collaborative work
c.. Telemedicine - Multimedia and technologies: a.. QoS (RSVP, Diffserv, SBM, etc.) b..
Protocols (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SDP, SIP, IPv6, etc.) c.. Programming languages (Java, SMIL,
Windows API, etc.) - Multimedia and networks: a.. Multimedia in wireless networks (UMTS,
GPRS, 802.11, etc.) b.. Multimedia in Content Delivery Networks (Web caching, simulations,
etc.) c.. Multimedia in corporative networks (cases of study). Submit
your proposal here
Workshop Agents
for Autonomous Simulation
More information can be found on the SUNY website. Submit your
proposal here
Workshop on Human
Performance Modelling 
Manufacturing companies need
an understanding of worker behaviour to design systems. System modelling can be an
invaluable aid to improving organisational design. Current modelling tools however, do not
properly represent people and variations in their performance. This is especially the case
with manufacturing system design, where computer-based simulation tools are frequently
used as aids within organisational improvement programmes. This gap in
modelling capability is a serious limitation, and one which the
HPM-net [http://www.hpm-net.org] has been set up to research.
Many opportunities exist for exploitation both inside and outside manufacturing, but many
challenges remain. The workshop is designed to understand current thinking and stimulate
strategic research directions surrounding the Human Performance Modelling. Our work on HPM
and the network would be presented. If you
would like to participate in the workshop, register your name here