Conference Aim MESM'2019
The MESM'2019 (International Middle Eastern Simulation and Modelling Conference) on Simulation and Modelling is the sixteenth conference in the MESM series organized by EUROSIS. One of the major aims of this conference is to bring people from various parts of the Middle East in contact with colleagues working in modeling & simulation from around the world (e.g..Europe, USA, Canada, Far East etc.), bringing them into a wider Network of Simulation Excellence. This conference, is sponsored by EUROSIS, ETI, Ghent University, the University of Skovde, the University of Zilina, GODAN, as well as IEEE UKRI - SPC.
MESM'2019 covers a wide range of simulation subjects in order to capture the general thrust of simulation research at present being done in the Arab World as you can ascertain from the themes page. The updated scientific programme for MESM'2019 aims to map and mimic present day research topics in the Middle East. Thus conference topics have changed a bit in comparison to previous years.
Conference Aim GAME-ON ARABIA'2019
The aim of the sixth Pan-Arabic GAMEON-ARABIA Conference (GAMEON-ARABIA'2019) on Simulation and AI in Computer Games, is to bring game developers from the Middle East in contact with local and international researchers and games people in order to exchange ideas on programming and programming techniques related to game development. Secondly it aims to steer young people from the Middle East into this industry by providing how-to tutorials and giving them the opportunity to show their ideas and demos to the gaming industry and to research facilities from outside the Middle East. Last but not least the conference aims to be the premier meeting point in the Middle East for those active in the field. Just as its other counterparts in the rest of the world GAMEON-ARABIA will concentrate mostly on the programming and designing of games, with special emphasis on simulation, AI and fuzzy sets, and physics related computer graphics. Next to that, all of this will be fused in the topic of computer game design in stand-alone and networked games. Software providers will be able to show their latest packages and give hand-on tutorials for the participants.
The site for this year's co-joint event is Dubai and takes place at the same time as the Dubai Air Show.

Chair SPC - IEEE UK & Republic of Ireland
MESM'2019 General Conference Chair