1st Call for Papers, MESM'2024, 19th Middle Eastern Simulation and Modelling Conference, December 8-10, 2024, Al-Farahidi University, Baghdad, Iraq 1ST CALL FOR PAPERS MESM'2024 The 19th Middle Eastern Simulation and Modelling Conference "Sober Scientific Research: The Portal for Sustainable Development" Al-Farahidi University In collaboration with Nahrain University The University of Technology and Al-Iraqia University Baghdad, Iraq December 8-10, 2024 Organised by The European Technology Institute and Sponsored by EUROSIS KuLeuven Biotec University of Skφvde University of Zilina Ghent University AREA42 and GODAN For latest information see: https://www.eurosis.org or https://www.eurosis.org/conf/mesm/2024/index.html AIM OF MESM'2024 The MESM'2024 (International Middle Eastern Simulation and Modelling Conference) on Simulation and Modelling is the eighteenth conference in the MESM series organized by EUROSIS. after the successful start of the first MESM'99 in Jordan and the third MESM that will be held in Iraq. MESM'2024 will be held online and onsite as a cooperative event between Al-Farahidi University, Nahrain University, the University of Technology and Al-Iraqia University from the 8th to the 10td of December 2024 One of the major aims of this conference is to bring people from various parts of the Middle East in contact with colleagues working in modeling & simulation from around the world (e.g..Europe, USA, Canada, Far East etc.), bringing them into a wider Network of Simulation Excellence. This conference, is sponsored by EUROSIS, ETI, Ghent University, KULeuven Biotec, the University of Skovde, the University of Zilina, GODAN, as well as AREA42. MESM attracts researchers, scientists, Engineers, technologists, knowledge management specialists from universities, government agencies and industry from all around the world. All submitted papers will be subjected to double blind peer review and critical evaluation by conference committee. MESM'2024 covers a wide range of simulation subjects in order to capture the general thrust of simulation research at present being done in the Arab World as you can ascertain from the themes page. The updated scientific programme for MESM'2024 aims to map and mimic present day research topics in the Middle East. Thus conference topics have changed a bit in comparison to previous years. MESM'2024 is organized as a collaboration between Al-Farahidi University, Nahrain University, the University of Technology and Al-Iraqia University The site for this year's event is Baghdad, Iraq. All submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the International Program Committee. Accepted papers will be published in the conference Proceedings (both print and electronic format), that will be copyrighted and widely disseminated. All talks and tutorials, must be accompanied by a paper of between three to six Proceedings pages. CONFERENCE THEMES The conference covers the following themes for which papers can be submitted: CYBER SIMULATION SOFTWARE METHODOLOGY AND TOOLS [] Service Innovation and Management [] Modelling and Simulation Methodology [] Artificial Intelligence: Fuzzy Systems, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms [] Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Systems [] Block chain [] Knowledge management [] Computer Networks, Security & IoT [] Digital Signal/Image Processing [] Energy/solar System [] Business and Economics [] Decision Support Systems [] Biomedical Applications [] Industrial Applications [] Web-based Simulation [] Software Engineering [] Cyber Security and Information Processing [] Quality Control and Management [] Data Analytics ARTS, HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES [] Simulation in Behavioral Sciences [] Simulation in Business [] Simulation in Communication [] Simulation in Economics [] Simulation in Education [] Simulation in Media [] Simulation in Urban Studies CLINICAL, PRE-CLINICAL, HEALTH & LIFE SCIENCES [] Simulation in Bioinformatics [] Simulation in Medicine [] Simulation in Agriculture, Fisheries & Food [] Simulation in Simulation in Biology, Biochemistry and Microbiology [] Simulation in Climate Modelling and Water Science Modelling [] Sustainable Environment ENGINEERING, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & PHYSICAL SCIENCES [] Simulation in Mathematics & Statistics [] Simulation in Operations Research & Management Science [] Simulation in Computer Networks, Communications and IoT [] Simulation in Instrumentation & Control Systems [] Simulation in Physics, Control Systems, Robotics & Automation [] Simulation in Industrial Engineering [] Simulation in Aerospace Engineering, Space Environment & Aviation Technology [] Simulation in Biomedical Engineering [] Simulation in Chemistry & Chemical Engineering [] Simulation in Architecture and Civil Engineering [] Simulation in Earth & Environmental Engineering and Geology [] Simulation in Marine Engineering [] Simulation in Mechanical Engineering [] Simulation in Nuclear Engineering [] Simulation in Energy & Fuels [] Simulating Smart Infrastructures [] Simulation in Transportation & Logistics (Road, train, harbors, rivers, canals) [] Applied Mechanics & Thermal Engineering [] Nanotechnology and Smart Materials [] Laser Optoelectronics Engineering SPECIAL TRACK: CYBERSECURITY AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION [] Sustainable Cybersecurity Practices for Digital Transformation [] Cybersecurity Impact on Sustainable Development [] The Role of People in Sustainable Cybersecurity [] Emerging tech for sustainable cybersecurity practices [] Cybersecurity Policy & Regulation for Sustainability [] Assessing Cybersecurity Risks for Sustainability [] Building Resilience against Cyberattacks [] Sustainable Cloud Security Practices [] Future Trends in Cybersecurity & Digital Transformation [] Sustainable Strategies for Protecting Critical Infrastructure [] Poster Session [] Student Session [] Tutorials [] Exhibition For more information about the themes please go to: https://www.eurosis.org/conf/mesm/2024/themes.html For more information about the special track please go to: https://www.eurosis.org/conf/mesm/2024/workshops.html TUTORIALS Tutorials can be proposed in the following three categories: T1- Introductory tutorials T2- State of the Art Tutorials T3- Software and Modelware Tutorials Tutorial proposals should be emailed to Philippe.Geril@eurosis.org before August 15, 2024. POSTER SESSION The poster session only features work in progress. Next to the actual poster presentation, these submissions also feature as short papers in the Proceedings. STUDENTS SESSION This session is for students who want to present their work in progress or part of their doctoral thesis as a paper. Student papers are denoted by the fact that only the name of the student appears on the paper as an author. They are published as short papers in the Proceedings. EXHIBITION A special exhibition will be held during the conference focused on industrial applications. For more information please contact EUROSIS for further details. Email: Philippe.Geril@eurosis.org IMPORTANT DEADLINES SUBMISSION DEADLINE: AUGUST 20TH, 2024 NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION: SEPTEMBER 25TH, 2024 Authors provide camera-ready manuscript: OCTOBER 25TH, 2024 CONFERENCE IN BAGHDAD, IRAQ: DECEMBER 8-10, 2024 SUBMISSIONS Send all submissions in an ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY in (zipped) Microsoft Word format, or PDF format (preferred submission) indicating the designated track and type of submission (full paper) to EUROSIS (Philippe.Geril@eurosis.org). Please provide your name, affiliation, full mailing address, telephone / fax number and Email address on all submissions as well. For submissions please put in the subject of your Email the following indications: MESM'2024 and designated track or USE THE ONLINE SUBMISSION FORM. https://www.eurosis.org/conf/mesm/2024/email-reply.html Only original papers, which have not been published elsewhere, will be accepted for publication Journal Publication Only accepted and presented extended papers are eligible for journal publication in any of the journals listed here. EUROSIS Proceedings are indexed by ISI Web of Knowledge, IET (INSPEC), SCOPUS and Engineering Village REGISTRATION FEES - all fees to be paid in € (by banktransfer or by banktransfer using Western Union). Credit card payments can only be done in €. Author & Non-Author Participant Registration Fees (on-site and online) Registration Fees Authors Non-Author Participants Pre-registration before October 25, 2024 € 150 € 175 2nd Paper Fee before October 25, 2024 € 150 N/A 3rd Paper Fee before October 25, 2024 € 150 N/A Registration after October 25, 2024 Pre-registration required € 200 Non-Authors can also register for a ONE DAY participation of € 75 The full registration fee includes one electronic copy of the Conference Proceedings, conference materials, tutorials, coffee and tea during the breaks, all lunches and a conference dinner. STUDENTS AUTHORS Students who are authors, pay a registration of €75.To qualify as a student author you need to send in together with your paper a copy of your student card. Student papers are only accepted as student papers if only the name of the student appears as the first author of the paper in the case of multiple authors. Non-Author Students can also register for € 100 for the whole conference by the registration date. Student Author & Student Non-Author Participant Registration Fees (on-site and online) Registration Fees Student Authors Non-Author Student Participants Pre-registration before October 25, 2024 € 75 € 100 2nd Paper Fee before October 25, 2024 € 100 N/A 3rd Paper Fee before October 25, 2024 € 100 N/A Registration after October 25, 2024 Pre-registration required € 150 The full registration fee includes one electronic copy of the Conference Proceedings, conference materials, tutorials, coffee and tea during the breaks, all lunches and a conference dinner. Authors from outside Iraq can also participate ONLINE in the conference. A printed copy of the proceedings can be obtained pre-paid for € 60 (plus 30% shipping costs) extra at a later date. PAPER SUBMISSION TYPES FULL PAPER (five pages, single spaced, double column) Participants may also submit a 5 page full paper for a regular (5 pages), or if excellent, full 5 page papers can be accepted by the program committee as regular (6-page) papers for the conference proceedings. All accepted papers which will be reviewed by the International Program Committee will be published in the MESM'2024 Conference Proceedings. SHORT PAPER (at least three pages, single spaced, double column) Participants may also submit a 3-4 page short paper or poster for a 3 page pape, or if excellent, 3 page papers can be accepted by the program committee as full five (6-page) papers for the conference proceedings, which will be reviewed by the International Program Committee. All accepted papers will be published in the MESM'2024 Conference Proceedings. PLEASE NOTE: ONE (1) AND TWO (2) PAGE PAPERS ARE NOT ACCEPTED AND ARE NOT EVEN SUBMITTED TO THE REVIEW PROCESS CONFERENCE GENERAL CHAIR Professor Dr. Marwan Al-Akaidi CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Philippe Geril EUROSIS-ETI European Simulation Office Torhoutsesteenweg 162 B 04.02 B-8400 Ostend Belgium Email: philippe.geril@eurosis.org LANGUAGE The official conference language for all papers and presentations is ENGLISH CONFERENCE VENUE The conference will be held at Al-Farahidi University, Baghdad, Iraq. REPLY CARD First Name: Surname: Occupation and/or Title: Affiliation: Mailing Address Zip code: City: Country. Telephone: Fax: E-Mail: Yes, I intend to attend the MESM'2024: [ ] Presenting a paper, by submitting a full paper [ ] Presenting a short paper (by submitting an extended abstract) [ ] Participating in the industrial program [ ] Organizing a vendor session [ ] Proposing a panel discussion (please mention names of panellists) [ ] Contributing to the exhibition [ ] Without presenting a paper The provisional title of my paper / exhibited tool is: With the following highlights: The paper belongs to the category (please tick only one): CYBER SIMULATION SOFTWARE METHODOLOGY AND TOOLS [] Service Innovation and Management [] Modelling and Simulation Methodology [] Artificial Intelligence: Fuzzy Systems, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms [] Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Systems [] Block chain [] Knowledge management [] Computer Networks, Security & IoT [] Digital Signal/Image Processing [] Energy/solar System [] Business and Economics [] Decision Support Systems [] Biomedical Applications [] Industrial Applications [] Web-based Simulation [] Software Engineering [] Cyber Security and Information Processing [] Quality Control and Management [] Data Analytics ARTS, HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES [] Simulation in Behavioral Sciences [] Simulation in Business [] Simulation in Communication [] Simulation in Economics [] Simulation in Education [] Simulation in Media [] Simulation in Urban Studies CLINICAL, PRE-CLINICAL, HEALTH & LIFE SCIENCES [] Simulation in Bioinformatics [] Simulation in Medicine [] Simulation in Agriculture, Fisheries & Food [] Simulation in Simulation in Biology, Biochemistry and Microbiology [] Simulation in Climate Modelling and Water Science Modelling [] Sustainable Environment ENGINEERING, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & PHYSICAL SCIENCES [] Simulation in Mathematics & Statistics [] Simulation in Operations Research & Management Science [] Simulation in Computer Networks, Communications and IoT [] Simulation in Instrumentation & Control Systems [] Simulation in Physics, Control Systems, Robotics & Automation [] Simulation in Industrial Engineering [] Simulation in Aerospace Engineering, Space Environment & Aviation Technology [] Simulation in Biomedical Engineering [] Simulation in Chemistry & Chemical Engineering [] Simulation in Architecture and Civil Engineering [] Simulation in Earth & Environmental Engineering and Geology [] Simulation in Marine Engineering [] Simulation in Mechanical Engineering [] Simulation in Nuclear Engineering [] Simulation in Energy & Fuels [] Simulating Smart Infrastructures [] Simulation in Transportation & Logistics (Road, train, harbors, rivers, canals) [] Applied Mechanics & Thermal Engineering [] Nanotechnology and Smart Materials [] Laser Optoelectronics Engineering SPECIAL TRACK: CYBERSECURITY AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION [] Sustainable Cybersecurity Practices for Digital Transformation [] Cybersecurity Impact on Sustainable Development [] The Role of People in Sustainable Cybersecurity [] Emerging tech for sustainable cybersecurity practices [] Cybersecurity Policy & Regulation for Sustainability [] Assessing Cybersecurity Risks for Sustainability [] Building Resilience against Cyberattacks [] Sustainable Cloud Security Practices [] Future Trends in Cybersecurity & Digital Transformation [] Sustainable Strategies for Protecting Critical Infrastructure [] Poster Session [] Student Session [] Tutorials [] Exhibition [] ___________________________(INVITED TRACK - add file to your reply with description) [] TUTORIAL ____________________________ (add file to your reply with description) [] EXHIBIT ____________________________ (add file to your reply with description) [] INVITED TALK _____________________________ (add file to your reply with description) FILL IN First Name________________ Family Name_______________ Address1__________________ Address2__________________ Address3__________________ City______________________ Zipcode___________________ Country___________________ Tel_______________________ Fax_______________________ Email_____________________ [] PLEASE REMOVE ME FROM THE EUROSIS MAILING LIST Regards Philippe