The FOODSIM'2004 conference will be held at the
WICC-WIR Conference Centre in Wageningen, The Netherlands.
In Wageningen, the agricultural specialized centre of the Netherlands, there are two unique accommodations for congresses, seminars, courses and meetings;
The Wageningen International Conference Centre (WICC) and the Wageningen International Residence (WIR). Together these two accommodations offer you excellent hotel-, congress- and restaurant facilities.
For accommodation information please go to the hotel page.
Lawickse Allee 9
6701 AN Wageningen
the Netherlands
T +31 (0)317 49 01 33
F +31 (0)317 42 62 43
E |
Stadsbrink 1
6707 AA Wageningen
the Netherlands
T +31 (0)317 49 01 22
F +31 (0)317 42 43 32
E |
to get there;
By car
Coming from Arnhem/Nijmegen (Motorway A50)
Take exit Renkum/Wageningen/Oosterbeek. At the traffic light take direction Renkum/Wageningen (N225). Go straight on till you come to a roundabout. At the roundabout go so straight on, and you will enter Wageningen.
* For WICC: At the 4th traffic light turn left (Stationstraat). Take the first turn to the right (Plantsoen). At the end of this road follow the curve and at the crossing (without traffic lights) turn right. At the traffic light turn right again (direction Renkum, N225: Lawickse Allee). After 10 metres take the road parallel to the main one. After 75 metres at your right hand you will see the parking lot of the WICC.
* For WIR: At the 4th traffic light turn right (Rooseveltweg). Take the first street right again (Stadsbrink). On your right hand side you will see the parking of the WIR hotel.
Coming from Utrecht/Ede/Apeldoorn (Motorway A12)
Take exit Wageningen/Ede/Bennekom. At the end of the exit go direction Wageningen (Dr. Dreeslaan). In Wageningen turn right at the first traffic light (Nijenoord Allee) follow this ring road direction Rhenen. At the 3rd traffic light (you will see the Agro Business Park in front of you) turn left (Kortenoord Allee). At the first traffic light, after the roundabout, turn left (N225), direction Renkum (Lawickse Allee).
* For WICC: After 10 metres take the road parallel to the main one. After 75 metres at your right hand you wil see the parking lot of the WICC.
* For WIR: At the next traffic light turn left (Rooseveltweg) and take the fist street right (Stadsbrink). On your right hand side you will see the parking of the WIR hotel.
Coming from Rotterdam/Breda (Motorway A15)
Take exit Ochten/Kesteren. Immediately after the exit turn left (follow N233, Rhenen). Over the bridge at Rhenen (river Rhine) turn right (follow N225, direction Wageningen/Renkum). After approximately 6 kilometres at the roundabout straight on (N225).
* For WICC: After the roundabout and the traffic light, take the road parallel to the main one. After 75 metres at your right hand side you will see the parking lot of the WICC.
* For WIR: At the 2nd traffic light, turn to the left (Rooseveltweg), and take the first street right (Stadsbrink). On you right hand side you will see the parking of the WIR hotel.
By public transport
Tip: for Dutch train information use
From "Ede-Wageningen" railway station you can take a "Treintaxi" (till April 1st, you can buy the special ticket when you buy your train ticket) or take the bus to Wageningen bus terminal. The WIR hotel is situated next to the bus terminal and the WICC hotel approximately 250 meters to the west.
Download route description
Route description car (Route_description_car.doc) [193Kb]
Route description public transport (Route_description_pt.doc) [36Kb]