When making payments by credit card make sure the credit card you use DOES NOT EXPIRE IN THE SAME MONTH as the submission deadline date as this increases the risk of non-acceptance of your card.
Secondly, always DOUBLE-CHECK if your card number is CORRECT and COMPLETE, if you have included the correct EXPIRY DATE, the card is still VALID OR NOT BLOCKED, and there are ENOUGH funds on the card, before sending EUROSIS the card information.
Author | Members | Non-members | |
Before July 15, 2025 | € 540 | € 540 | € 595 |
After July 15, 2025 | N/A | € 595 | € 635 |
Authors are expected to register early (at a reduced fee) and to attend the conference at their expense to present the accepted papers. Without early registration and payment, the paper will NOT be published in the conference Proceedings. In the case of multiple authors, one author should be identified as the person who will act as correspondent for the paper. Non-Authors can also register for a ONE day participation of € 420.
Author | Members | Non-members | |
Before July 15, 2025 | € 420 | € 240 | € 280 |
After July 15, 2025 | N/A | € 230 | € 295 |
Electronic Authors are expected to register early (at a reduced fee) and to electronically attend the conference via the software used for that particular conference, at their expense to present the accepted papers. Without early registration and payment, the paper will NOT be published in the conference Proceedings. In the case of multiple authors, one author should be identified as the person who will act as correspondent for the paper.
Students who are authors, pay a registration of € 435. To qualify as a student author you need to send in together with your paper a copy of your student card. Student papers are only accepted as student papers if only the name of the student appears as author of the paper or in the case of multiple authors, all authors should be students. In the case of multiple student authors, one author should be identified as the person who will act as correspondent for the paper.
Author | Members | Non-members | |
Before July 15, 2025 | € 435 | € 420 | € 445 |
After July 15, 2025 | N/A | € 475 | € 500 |
Author | Members | Non-members | |
Before July 15, 2025 | € 355 | € 210 | € 220 |
After July 15, 2025 | N/A | € 205 | € 230 |
Electronic Student Authors are expected to register early (at a reduced fee) and to electronically attend the conference via the software used for that particular conference, at their expense to present the accepted papers. Without early registration and payment, the paper will NOT be published in the conference Proceedings. To qualify as a student author you need to send in together with your paper a copy of your student card. Student papers are only accepted as student papers if only the name of the student appears as author of the paper or in the case of multiple authors, all authors should be students. In the case of multiple student authors, one author should be identified as the person who will act as correspondent for the paper.
Authors from the same institution or project can present several papers at the event and will qualify for a special discount. Discounted prices can be requested from Philippe Geril. Prices vary according to submission types and numbers. A group consists of minimum 3 people.
If you need an invitation letter to obtain a VISA to enter the country in order to attend the conference please contact the General Conference Chair, who will provide you with such a letter. You will, however, have to have fulfilled the obligations as stipulated in the form. (visa_request_process) you find on the submissions page. If you have not fulfilled all these obligations then EUROSIS cannot forward you an invitation letter.
Your passport has to be valid at least more than six months prior to your date of arrival..
Participants to the conference, can receive an at conference receipt and confirmation of participation only after actual presentation of the paper.