Conference Keynote
keynote speaker for the 2006 ISC is
Dr. Heinz Weigl, TU
Didactical role of computer simulation in education and industry
Simulation is today
one of the most powerful analysis tools, to describe and analyze the
behavior of a system, ask what-if questions about the real system.
Unfortunately because of lack of education, time and resources, the value of
simulation is still not recognized in a wide range of industry. Simulation
technology has not becoming commonplace as a standardized methodology
throughout the industry.
One of the major reasons for
that I detected in the curriculums of universities, where Simulation is not
a required subject like mathematics or physics. In
Europe simulation slowly finds its way into the classroom within industrial
engineering, logistics operations management etc. In the United States,
simulation is becoming a required part of students` curricula at many
universities in departments such as industrial engineering. In Europe only
simulation idealists are initial catalysts for teaching simulation in a wide
range of subjects, like manufacturing, control systems, electronics,
mechatronics etc. The responsible individuals for curriculums in university
programs have not yet detected Simulation as a valuable tool closing the gap
between theory and practice. Students often do not make connections between
mathematical details and techniques, and the actual operation of engineering
systems. From the teaching viewpoint there is still the tendency in teaching
engineering to emphasize the mathematical statement of a problem and the
steps required obtaining mathematical solutions. This leads to students getting
lost in mathematical details without understanding underlying concepts and
the actual engineering problems. The use of computers and simulation tools
in the learning and teaching process should help to overcome this lack of
understanding. In addition simulation methodologies should help to improve
students problem solving skills.
presentation will demonstrate 20 years of my experience in the field of
computer simulation from the industrial and academic viewpoint.
You can download Dr.
Weigl's CV
Invited Speaker
The University Partnership Programme
Professor J A Murphy Head of University Partnerships BAE Systems
c/o: Advanced Technology Centre
Bristol, United Kingdom
More information to follow soon.
