Smart Education Prototyping for Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0
Professor Christian-Andreas Schumann, Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau, Institut für Management und Information,Zwickau, Germany
Blade Runner 2049 Vehicles
Richárd Révész, Budapest University of Technology and Economics Budapest, Hungary
Does the lone wolf really die? Network Science and Game of Thrones
Milan Janosov, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Transfer to Immortality a Virtual Alternative to the Singularity
David Wortley, FRSA, Coventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom
Identity in the Mediated Network Society
Piet Kommers, Professor of UNESCO Learning Technologies, The Netherlands
Media & Science Fiction as Archetypal Representation: Ontological Morality in the Media-dream
Stephen Schafer, Retired Principal Lecturer, Digipen Institute of Technology, Digipen, Seatlle, USA
Evolution of the Science Fiction Writer's Capacity to Imagine the Future
Liane Gabora, University of British Columbia, Fipke Centre for Innovative Research, Kelowna BC, Canada
Zariguim and Naomi: The Dangerous Absence of a Semiotic of Humanoid Robot Face
Vanda Sousa, CICS.Nova/ESCS-IPL, Lisbon, Portugal
Immersive storytelling ‐ on the road to new haptic experiences
Helena Barbas, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
IMMERSIMED: A Future Proof Immersive Platform for Medical Training
Pieter Jorissen, Lorenz Adriaensen and Ivan De Boi, Karel de Grote University College, Hoboken, Belgium
AR Guide for a Robot Design Kit
Anton Ivaschenko, Samara National Research University, Samara, and Pavel Sitnikov, ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, and Arkadiy Krivosheev, SEC "Open code", Samara, Russia
Approaches for the Combination of Additive Manufacturing and 3D-Measurement
Jens Baum, Eric Forkel and Christian-Andreas Schumann, Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau, University of Applied Sciences, Zwickau, Germany
Human Intelligence, Ambidexterity and AI reflections on a Data Cognification Case Study in an Underwater Scenario
Giovanni Delnevo, Andrea Lipparini, Marco Roccetti and Maurizio Sobrero, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy