April 1-3, 2019, De Krook, Ghent, Belgium


Living in a world driven by rapidly changing technology, what used to be classified as science fiction is fast becoming science fact. Moreover science fiction has in its own right become a source of inspiration in product development and product design. This process, better known as science fiction prototyping, functions as a vehicle to promote creative thinking and innovation in the business and technology development process using ethnographic field studies, technology research and trend data in order to create a pragmatic vision of the future for consumers and computing called 'future casting'.

The third edition of the International Science Fiction Prototyping conference covers the transition of ideas and objects from science fiction through developmental research using simulation, modelling and AI into managerial, military, industrial and household objects and tools for our future present daily lives in order for the aforementioned to become an integral part of that future present. This edition will feature special tracks organized by the Royal Military Academy of Belgium (Security and Innovation) and Ghent University.

Let SciFi-It ...

... be your first step towards the future, because the future is now

Selected papers will appear in journals especially tailored to EUROSIS.

You can download the SciFi-It'2019 Call for Papers here in Text format LINKED and here in PDF format. NOT YET LINKED

If you are interested in the other SCIFI-IT conferences check out this page.


EUROSIS is a division of The European Technology Institute, ETI Bvba. Registered Office: Torhoutsesteenweg 162 Bus 4, B-8400 Ostend, Belgium.

Exploitation Seat: EUROSIS-ETI, Greenbridge Science Park, Ghent University - Ostend Campus, Wetenschapspark 1, Plassendale 1, B-8400, Ostend, Belgium. Tel +, Fax: + Co. Nr.860.098.406, VAT: BE0.860.098.406 BNP Paribas Fortis Bank, Torhoutsesteenweg 356, B-8400 Ostend, Belgium. Account No.: IBAN CODE: BE03 0014 0814 7784, BIC Code: GEBABEBB, Account Holder: ETI Bvba