Simulation News Europe - January Issue

Dear Colleague,
welcome to the January issue of the electronic
Simulation News Europe Newsletter of EUROSIS.
Like many good intentions for 2010, I will aim to
bring this from a quarterly newsletter to a monthly

This issue has the following topics:
1) Become a EUROSIS Member
2) EUROSIS Conferences Update
3) Call for EUROSIS Conference Organizers
4) New EUROSIS Publications Catalogue
5) The role of sustainable resource management through product design
6) Conference Pictures

1) EUROSIS Memberships
The EUROSIS Membership page is now fully functional.

2) EUROSIS Conferences Update

For your diary these are the EUROSIS conferences from November 2010 and beyond.
[] GAMEON'2010, November 2010, De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom
[] MESM'2010, December 2010, Mercure Romance Hotel, Alexandria, Egypt
[] GAMEON-ARABIA'2010, First week December 2010, Mercure Romance Hotel, Alexandria, Egypt
[] ASTEC'2011-GAMEON'ASIA'2011, March 1-3, 2011, Digipen/Ubisoft, Singapore
[] EUROMEDIA-ECEC-FUBUTEC'2011, April 2011, British Institute of Technology and Ecommerce, London, United Kingdom
[] ISC'2011, June 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia (under discussion)
[] ESM'2011, October 24-26, 2011, Hotel de Guimaraes, Guimaraes, Portugal
[] GAMEON'2011, November 2011, Galway, Ireland (under discussion)
[] ASTEC'2012-GAMEON-ASIA'2012, March 2012, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
[] ISC'2012, June 4-6, 2012, Hotel International, Brno, Czech Republic
[] FOODSIM'2012, May 2012, La Reunion (under discussion)
[] GAMEON'2012, week of November 12-16, 2012, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain
[] ASTEC'2013-GAMEON-ASIA'2013, March 2013, Beijing, China
[] ISC’2013 Sardegna TBA

3) Call for Conference Proposals
As you can see we still have empty slots for some events at the moment.
If you want to organize a EUROSIS conference please get back to me with your proposal before FEBRUARY 15th, 2010.
[] NASTEC'2011-GAMEON-NA'2011
[] MESM'2011
[] ESM'2012
[] MESM'2012
[] any other event beyond 2012

4) New EUROSIS Publications Catalogue

The 2009-2010 Publications Catalogue is now
online and can be downloaded. All 2009 publications
were sent to ISI-Thomson and INSPEC for indexing
in December last year. They should appear online
from March 2010 onwards.

5)The role of sustainable resource management through product design

The University of Hull is investigating the role of sustainable resource management through product design and would appreciate any colleagues within industry completing a short survey.

The survey can be found at the following URL:

We would be happy to release the results of the survey to any one participating.

Further information about the project and the survey can be found at:, but in short the study is investigating the use of the design phase of a product life cycle as a point of policy intervention to promote environmental performance across product life-span.

For policy interventions to be effective at influencing product design, they need to be grounded in a thorough understanding of the design process, and designer engagement with environmental requirements. Thus the primary questions addressed by this study and thus the survey are:
1) How is the design process managed within companies? and
2) How are environmental issues incorporated into product design?

Please email the completed form to

6) Conference Pictures
The last couple of weeks I had a bit of time to start posting
the pictures some of you sent me over the years while attending
our EUROSIS conferences.

So far I have posted pictures from
ESM'2007 (new ones)
and ESM'2003

Going through my files I did see I lost some
pictures when I had a computer crash some time ago.
from ESM'2003 (conference dinner pictures)
from EUROMEDIA'2006 (pictures from inside
the Athens Hard Rock Cafe with a group
of participants)
So if anyone still has those or some other
pictures I might not have and you wish to share
do not hesitate to send them to me.
I'll keep you posted if other pictures disappeared
in cyberspace at a later date and will keep
on posting what I do have.

That's all folks for this issue

Philippe Geril Tel: +
EUROSIS -ETI Fax: +32.59.255339
Greenbridge NV E-mail:
Wetenschapspark 1 E-mail:
Plassendale 1 URL:
B-8400 Ostend
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