REMINDER Submissions Period for SCIFI-IT'2018, April 18-20, 2018, Bruges, Belgium, starts JANUARY 30TH

Dear Colleague,

A quick reminder that in TWO WEEKS TIME on JANUARY 30TH
is the start of the submission period for SCIFI-IT'2018,
the 2nd annual International Science Fiction Prototyping Conference,
which will be held at The Novotel Brugge Centrum, Bruges, Belgium
from April 18-20, 2018.
EARLY BIRD submissions can already be sent in at this time.

For further information about the event see:

To access the dropdown submenus go to the icon at
the top right of the page.

It is possible that the event already starts on the
17th of April in the afternoon as we have an invited doctoral
session on Learning and learning contents in regards to Industry 4.0
and digital transformation
organized by the University of
Applied Sciences of Zwickau, Germany.

Invited Speakers so far are:
Learning and learning contents in regards to Industry 4.0 and digital

Professor Christian‐Andreas Schumann, West Saxon University of Applied
Sciences Zwickau, Zwickau, Germany
Blade Runner 2049 Vehicles
Richárd Révész, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
Does the lone wolf really die? Network Science and Game of Thrones
Milan Janosov, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Transfer to Immortality a Virtual Alternative to the Singularity
David Wortley, FRSA, United Kingdom
Identity in the Mediated Network Society
Piet Kommers, Professor of UNESCO Learning Technologies, The Netherlands

The submission period ends FEBRUARY 5TH. Submissions
for SCIFI-IT'2018 can be sent in, between those dates
mentioned above.


Philippe Geril
European Simulation Office
Greenbridge science Park
Ghent University - Ostend Campus
Wetenschapspark 1, Plassendale 1
B-8400 Ostend
Tel: OO32.59.255.330
Fax: OO32.59.255339

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* Computer Simulation - Concurrent Engineering - Multimedia- Games *



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