Dear friends and colleagues,
as we are striving to keep you abreast of latest COVID travel news, please find hereafter the latest European COVID travel information dd.25/05/2020.
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) have developed a series of measures for aviation personnel and travelers. Airlines and airports will have to put those guidelines into practice.
According to the recommendations, travelers should wear a mask from the moment they enter the airport to their destination. An exception is possible for children under six years old. Especially on long journeys, passengers will have to provide sufficient masks, because in principle they have to replace them every four hours.
The distance rule of 1.5 meters is recommended, "if possible" during all stages of the trip. The airlines have already stated that such a thing is difficult on the plane because it would lead to less full aircraft and therefore higher ticket prices. If the distance cannot be respected, strict adherence to the other prevention measures is important and medical masks are recommended.
According to the protocol, travelers will also have to fill in a "health statement" within twelve hours before the flight. In it, they will have to confirm that they have not had a covid-19 in the last fourteen days, that they have no symptoms of the disease, or that they have not been in close contact with a covid patient.
You can download the full report here
Plus also this information from the EU
COVID-19: Council adopts relief measures for aviation and railways
Best Regards and stay safe.
Philippe Geril
Philippe Geril
European Simulation Office
Bluebridge - Ostend Science Park
Wetenschapspark 1, Plassendale 1
B-8400 Ostend
Tel: OO32.59.255.330
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