ISC'2008, June 9-11, 2008, Universite de Lyon, France, SUBMISSION DEADLINE COMING UP

Dear Colleague,

this is a reminder that the submission period
for extended abstracts and papers for ISC'2008
(The annual 2008 Industrial Simulation Conference)
which will be held at the University of Lyon, in
France from June 9-11, starts on FEBRUARY 15.

More information about the event can be found

To remind you these are the tracks:
-Discrete Event Simulation and Analysis Methodology
-Discrete Simulation Languages and Tools
-Ambient Intelligence and Simulation
-Simulation in Manufacturing
-Simulation in Automotive Systems
-Simulation in Robotics
-Simulation in Electronics, Computers and Telecommunications
-Electronics Manufacturing Simulation
-Simulation in Electronics Manufacturing
-Simulation in Logistics, Traffic, Transport and Harbours
-Complex Systems Modelling
-Simulation in Aerospace
-Marine Simulation
-Simulation in Industrial and Product Design
-Simulation in Engineering Processes
-Simulation in Energy and Power Systems
-Simulation in Multibody Systems
-Simulation in Chemical, Petroleum and Mining Engineering
-Simulation in Military and Defense
-Verification, Validation and Accreditation
-Virtual Reality and Graphical Simulation and Industry
-The Future of Simulation Roundtable
-Workshop on Modelling and Simulation in the Textile Industry
-Modelling and Simulation in Sports Engineering
-Workshop on Intelligent Transport Systems
-Workshop on Simulation in Nanotechnology
-Augmented Reality and Pervasive Systems in Factories
-Lean Manufacturing Simulation
-Poster Session
-Student Session

The following pages have been updated:
Company Visit Page:
Workshop Page:

Philippe Geril
Secretary General
Ghent University
Technologiepark 903
B-9052 Ghent-Zwijnaarde, Belgium
Tel: +
Fax: +