GAMEON'2011, August 22-24, 2011, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, Invited Speakers

Invited Speakers

André Gagalowicz
INRIA - Rocquencourt
Domaine de Voluceau
Le Chesnay Cedex, France

3D face tracking including non verbal expressions

We propose a new technique for 3D face tracking in video sequences, which works without markers and once initialized, doesn't require any further interaction. A specific geometric model of the face (in a neutral position, for example) is used as input as well as a realistic hierarchical face animation model.

The algorithm includes a new method for precise face expression tracking in a video sequence. It uses this hierarchical animation system built over a morphable polyhedral 3D face model. Its low level animation mechanism is based upon MPEG-4 specification which is implemented via local point-driven mesh deformations adapted to the face geometry. The set of MPEG-4 animation parameters is in its turn controlled by a higher level system based upon facial muscles structure. This allows to perform precise tracking of complicated non verbal facial expressions as well as to produce face-to-face retargeting by transmitting the expression parameters to different faces. We finally show how to obtain an automatic semantic interpretation of the expressions from the former tracking results.

Dr. Nathan Griffiths

Trust Mechanisms in MAS

More info to follow