GAMEON-ARABIA'2012, December 10-12, 2012, AOU, Muscat, Oman, Keynote Speaker


Conference Keynote

Modelling Culture: An overview of attempts to model aspects of human culture and history

Ken Newman
Abu Dhabi


In both games and scientific simulations there have been various attempts to model aspects of human society and culture. This presentation will take a broad overview of these attempts from Historic Geographic Information systems to Sid Meirer's Civilization, to the author's own Plausible Ancestor Generator. From this overview emerges a vital missing element - a standard model for historical and cultural objects. These are discussed in terms of what these might look like and what kinds of applications could be built with them.


Dr Ken Newman is currently the Chair of Applied Media at the HCT Dubai Colleges. He has previously held research and teaching positions in the Netherlands, UK and Australia. Prior to his academic career he spent 10 years developing Computer Games and Educational Software. His underlying research interest is in exploring how user interaction and narrative engagement are experienced in games and social media.