GAMEON-NA'2009 Registration Form

(Or use the fax registration form)

Please note: This form does NOT work with Internet Explorer 3.02 or lower. It does work fine with all versions of Firefox and higher versions of Explorer.

If e-mail fails, you can also print this information and send / fax it to:
Philippe Geril, EUROSIS-ETI,
European Simulation Office
Greenbridge NV
Wetenschapspark 1,
Plassendale 1 , B-8400, Ostend, Belgium.
Phone: +32-59-255.330, Fax: +32-59-255.339

Personal Information

user email

Conference Information

PRE-CONFERENCE PRICES VALID TILL JULY 30. After JULY 30, prices will be $50 higher.


Specify your member number

Payment information
Credit card information
