The following tutorials have been selected for FOODSIM'2018
Sustainability in food industry: Towards a unified multi-objective decision making framework
Philippe Nimmegeers, Satyajeet Bhonsale, Carlos André Muñoz López, Ihab Hashem and Jan Van Impe, BioTeC+ & OPTEC & CPMF2, KU Leuven, Ghent, Belgium
Application of dynamic optimization for food systems using Pomodoro: A Tutorial
Satyajeet Bhonsale, Dries Telen, Philippe Nimmegeers and Jan Van Impe, BioTeC+, KU Leuven, Ghent, Belgium
Further Tutorials can be proposed in the following three categories:
Tutorial proposals should be emailed to, by indicating the type of tutorial you would like to suggest. (T1, T2 or T3) before DECEMBER 15, 2017. A confirmation email will be sent to verify that the proposal was received.
Examples of topic areas for tutorial proposals should mirror the topics in the list of conference themes and workshops.
Proposals must be submitted electronically via e-mail, as plain text or in PDF. The tutorial submission should be contained within five pages. Various parts of the proposal for accepted tutorials may be edited for incorporation in the Advance Program.
When preparing a tutorial submission, please consider the suggested template (to be linked later).
An accepted conference university tutor receives a free conference registration plus a free publication of his tutorial paper. University tutorial presenters will receive also an honorarium depending on the number of attendees registering specifically for the tutorial outside the conference registrants. The precise amount of the honorarium will be determined immediately after the early registration deadline.
Tutorials that have less than 8 early registrants will face the risk of cancellation.
The proposals received will be reviewed by the Selection Committee to ensure a high quality and appropriate mix for the conference. The goal of the Selection Committee is to provide a diverse set of tutorials that attract a large interest among the broad segments within the diverse simulation community.