
The conference organization is open to suggestions on possible workshops featuring software packages, new hardware or methods used in food simulation. We would like to facilitate the discussions about our research and our new projects.

Workshop proposals should be emailed to, by indicating the type of workshop you would like to organize, before November 15, 2017. When preparing a workshop submission, please consider the link to the event and the specific nature of your proposal. A confirmation email will be sent to verify that the proposal was received.



E-CAM is an e-infrastructure for software development, training, and industrial discussion in simulation and modelling funded by the EU. Two of our scientific workpackages are relevant to the conference:

  • advanced molecular simulation (including rare-event based methods);
  • mesoscale and multiscale methods

As an example a pilot project focused on food and pharmaceutical proteins, including processing will be discussed

Dr. Donal Mac Kernan
UCD School of Physics, & CASL University College Dublin, Ireland, and Director, CECAM-IRL

Food Process Modeling and Production Scheduling Using SuperPro Designer and SchedulePro


SuperPro Designer and a process scheduling tool called SchedulePro (both from Intelligen Inc., and their uses in food processing (from both an industrial and academic point of view)

This will be an approximately 1.5-2-hours lecture-style presentation

Alexandros Koulouris, PhD
Professor, Dept. of Food Technology Alexander Technological Education Institute of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece