Web Based Simulation, Optimization and Response Surfaces, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Virtual Worlds, Methods for Special Applications, Practice, Extensions, XML, Open Source, Model Development, Network Modeling, Distributed Simulation and Industry, Modeling Very Large Scale Systems, Aerospace Operations, Revising Simulations Components, Meta-Knowledge Simulation.
Submit your proposal in Discrete Simulation Methodologyhere
Advanced Input Modeling, Simulation Optimization, Cross Entropy, Output Analysis, Input Modeling, Simulation Optimization, Input Analysis, Difficult Queueing Problems, New Output Analysis.
Submit your proposal in Discrete Simulation Analysis here
Discrete simulation languages; Object oriented modeling languages; UML and simulation; Model libraries and modularity; Component-oriented simulation; Special simulation tools and environments; Meta-models and automatic model generation; Graphical simulation environments and simulation software tools; Intelligent simulation environments; Database management of models and results; Java and Web enabled simulations, UML and OO Simulation.
Submit your proposal in Discrete Event Languages here
As open source simulation and modelling software has become a qualitative alternative to the commercial simulation packages, this track offers the possibility to showcase present-day research using these free tools. Presentations are invited about but not limited to the following tools:
Submit your proposal in Open Source Simulation here
This track focuses general modelling aspects: model design methods, model representation forms and languages, model interpretation for verification, efforts and approaches for validation of model itself and as a part of simulation system. Application areas may range from archiving and communication technologies over industrial solutions to scientific systems.
Special attention is paid to formal approaches for verification and validation. Here, algebraic methods for the model constructing and generating as well as semantic dependent model interpreting are considered. In this context, XML-based model specification, transformation, and interpretation techniques are also significant.
The track handles VV&A methodology (VV&A planning, confidence levels, risk estimation, organisation, documentation, standards, cost estimation, technique application, result presentation, subject matter expert selection, fidelity, automation potential) as well as VV&A technology (documentation, CASE-tools, cross checking, requirements specification, knowledge based systems, configuration management, tool overview, simulation environments).
Submit your proposal in validation and Verification here
Systems research, Operating systems, File System, Storage, data warehousing, in-memory computing.
Submit your proposal in Computer Science here
Ambient Intelligence is an emerging research area that has received much attention in recent years, concerned with the implications of embedding computing devices into the environment, and how human and artificial agents can interact in such technological contexts. The infrastructure for ambient intelligence is coming on line, Computational resources are becoming cheaper, while ubiquitous network access has started to appear.
Different devices equipped with simple intelligence and the abilities to sense, communicate and act, will be unremarkable features of our world. Therefore, one takes the view that ambient intelligence is imminent and inevitable and it may be of great interest in simulation scenarios.
Submit your proposal in AR here
Artificial Intelligence and simulation overlap increasingly as AI programming methods permit more realistic and robust simulation models in helping the user to develop, run, interpret and predict simulation experiments and results. Simulation algorithms permit AI systems to reason about complex models that change over time or include interacting stochastic elements. This track covers AI concepts applied to simulation and highlights benefits merging the two disciplines.
Submit your proposal in Ambient Simulation here
Virtual reality and computer graphics simulations applied to industrial applications in production processes and on the factory floor in the context of operator training and digital factory applications.
Submit your proposal in Training Simulation here
Pervasive systems are likely to become the next programming paradigm for the information society. They will allow us to implement the augmented reality and the ubiquitous computing ideas. Pervasive systems in factories enable operators and machines to interact on a common virtual level which is also capable of simulating the real part. Among other related topics, this track includes: ubiquitous computing, augmented reality, mixed reality, wireless networks, hybrid systems, simulation models, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, security, scalability, fault tolerance, smart devices, and pervasive services.
Submit your proposal in Augmented Reality here
Simulation used for evaluating Interactive systems using Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism
Submit your proposal in Interactive Systemshere
This track covers Training simulator technology, scenarios and procedures for operator training. Modelling approaches, tools and virtual environments for training. e-Training in distributed environments. HMI and cognitive performance. Certification and standardisation issues. Industrial applications and best practice. Requirements on R&D.
Driver simulators for cars, trucks and trains, robotic vehicle driving simulators, ship and other maritime simulators, plane and space plane simulators, UAV/UCAV simulators
Submit your proposal in Simulation and Training here
The confluence of Simulation and the industrial internet of things, or IIoT, is the use of internet of things technologies to enhance manufacturing and industrial processes, incorporating machine learning and big data technologies to harness the sensor data, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication and automation technologies to create for example so-called Digital Twins
Submit your proposal in IOT here
This track covers the following themes
Submit your proposal in e-business here
Simulation in long-term interdisciplinary research, simulation of supramolecular and macromolecular architectures, simulation in nanobiotechnologies, simulation of nanometric scale engineering techniques for creating materials and components, simulation of manipulator devices, simulation in nano applications related to chemicals and energy. Simulation of knowledge based multifunctional materials. Simulation of nano production processes and methods.
Submit your proposal in nanotechnology here
Multi processor systems are prone to failures. Various repair strategies can be used for such systems. This track will concentrate on the performance evaluation of complex multi-processor systems using f.ex carbon nanotubes.
Submit your proposal in complex multiprocessor systems here
Modeling and simulation of analogue circuits; Modeling and simulation of digital circuits at switch and/or at logic level; Hardware accelerators for circuit-level simulation; Hardware accelerators for logic simulation; Distributed simulation of circuits, components, and systems; Modeling and simulation of computer systems; Fault simulation; Parallel and distributed systems; High-speed networks; Network simulation software; Computer and telecommunication systems; Telecommunication devices and systems; Intelligent telecommunication networks; ISDN; ATM communications, Re-design and re-evaluation of today s architectural principles, End-to-end virtualization of the network, Programmable network equipment such as routers, Mobile networking technologies, Alternatives to established technologies such as routing, Optical layer networking technologies, Self-management of networks, Media-aware transport services, Extremely heterogeneous edge networks, Machine-to-machine networking, Network Architectures
Submit your proposal in electronics here
Aerospace Simulation Methodology Low Cost Simulation Environments, Rapid Simulation Prototyping, Simulation Based Design, Simulation of Satellite Navigation, systems (space segment and terrestrial applications) simulation of satellite constellations, real-time hardware-in-the-loop nab-in-the-loop simulation, flight simulation, distributed interactive simulation and HLA standards, Graphical simulation (virtual environments and virtual reality) applied to aerospace. Modelling and Simulation standards, rationalisation efforts, repositories and reuse. Simulation in support of system specification and design, simulation in support of system assembly, integration and testing. Simulation in support of flight software validation, structural dynamics of Pylon Store Coupling, Flutter Prediction, volterra kernels to model nonlinear aero-elasticity.
Aircraft Simulation Air Systems Simulation Modelling and Design (Airframe, Wing, Lift Coefficient, Parasitic Drag, Aircraft Stabilization, Aero-Acoustics and Vibration, Impact Dynamics, Flight Controls and Aerodynamics, Avionics, Fit Control, Landing Gear, Electric Steering Systems, Large Eddy Simulation), Control Surface Shaping, Active wing Morphing Control and Self-repair, Structures technology for future aerospace systems, Aerospace Vehicle Systems Technology (AVST), Aviation Safety Analysis Software within the Intelligent Synthesis Environment, Aviation Systems Capacity, Bio-nanotechnology simulation, Aerospace Propulsion and Power (Combustion and Energy Conversion, Fluid Flow and Mass Transport behaviour in Engines, Ultra Efficient Engine Technology, Fuel Cells, Hypersonic Craft Simulation, Ramjet Simulation, Aerothermoelastic Effects in Hypersonic Vehicles, Micro Air Vehicles Simulation, Small Aircraft Transportation Systems, Quiet Aircraft and Noise Reduction Technology, CICT Simulation, Vision-Based Autonomous Flight, Aircraft-UAV-UCAV networked flight simulation , Stealth and radar evasion technology, Thrust vectorization simulation. Applications for future flight (f.ex.. Super Jumbos, Air-Taxis, All-electric Aircraft, Scramjets, Flying Wings....), Decreasing Systems Risk and Improving Reliability. Drone Flight Simulation.
Space Flight Simulation Next generation launchers (f.ex future X-Pathfinder), reusable launch vehicles (RLV), Aerospace Vehicle Systems, Technology, Payload Launch Simulation, Aerospace Autonomous Operations, System studies for future space transport architectures, Rocket propulsion simulation, Space materials and structures, Aerothermodynamics, launcher health management systems, avionics and in-flight experimentation. Space Cryo Electronics, Innovative Concepts and Technologies for lunar exploration (in-situ resource utilization, nuclear propulsion, habitation, nano-technology, modular architecture.
Submit your proposal in aerospace simulation here
Simulation in ship design, propulsion unit simulation, high speed design, water turbulence simulation, control of supercavitating underwater vehicles. Underwater detection systems simulation. Decision support Systems and maritime simulators. Furthermore this session will look at trends in marine safety and productivity through simulation training, maneuvering, channel designs and control system.
Submit your proposal in maritime simulation here
Simulation and Visualization (2D and 3D visualization of simulations). Advanced concepts and Requirements (simulation of new concepts, requirements development, predicted impacts of technology integration, intelligent systems simulation). Advanced Integrative Multiscale Modelling. Military Entertainment Convergence (wargaming, serious games). Research, Development and Acquisition (Design, development and acquisition for new weapons systems and equipment, Simulation and Modeling for acquisition, requirements, and training (SMART), Simulation-based acquisition). Training, Exercises and Military Operations (simulation in training, simulator/exercise Integration and Management, Mission Planning and Rehearsal, Embedded Training, Assessment. Physical Modelling and Effects (Lethality, vulnerability and survivability, impact and penetration modelling, computational fluid and molecular dynamics, structural and solid mechanics modelling, ballistics and propellant simulation). Entity and System Modelling and Behaviours (human performance modelling, entity behaviours, computer generated forces, agent-based combat modelling, flock modelling and behaviour). Domains (sea, Land, Air and Space (synthetic environments (f ex.DAWARS, JWARS), virtual realities, surface and sub-surface warfare, unmanned robotic land, sea and aerial vehicle simulation (UAV, UCAV), avionics, flight control, flight simulation, simulation and control for spacecraft). Operations, Command and Control and Interoperability (battle field, battle theatre simulation, simulation during operations, CAI simulation, counterforce operations, airspace management, campaign analysis). Military Networking (network modelling and simulation, network centric warfare, information assurance modelling and simulation, simulations and the Global Information Grid). Terrain Recognition and Analysis Simulation Software, Image Analysis and Image Recognition, Asymmetric Warfare and threats. Modelling the "Cloud" concept of ever ready "orbital" units.
Submit your proposal in military simulation here
Construction Technologies, Flooding and Erosion, Infrastructure Engineering, Measurement and Control of Building Performance, Solid Waste Management, Subsurface flow and transport and Water Supplies. Physical Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Structures using computer simulation.
Submit your proposal in building simulation here
Adsorption processes, Colloidal processes, Control and Optimization Methods in Chemical Engineering, Crystallization processes, Electrochemical processes,Ion Exchange, Membrane Seperation, Micro-fluidics in Chemical processes, Multiphase Reactors, Particle Technology, Polymerisation Reactions, Scale up in Chemical Processes and Fuel Cells.
Simulation of Chemical Plants, Flow simulation, Plant control systems, network simulation, geological simulations, drilling simulations, oil transport simulations, mining simulations.
Submit your proposal in chemical simulation here
Simulators: Real-Time simulation methods, GUI, Advanced modelling tools, Trainees' performance evaluation, Simulator Projects Simulation Studies: Simulation during design, Safety and environmental hazard estimation, Production optimisation. Methodology: Real-time simulation and visualisation tools, Parallel and distributed simulation. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Simulations based on Monte Carlo techniques to simulate the behaviour of Non Destructive Assay (NDA) instruments used in nuclear safeguards.
Electric power systems simulation covers: Fluid flow simulation; Fluid power systems simulation; Electric drives simulation; Fatigue of materials simulation; Simulation and testing solutions; Embedded controllers; HIL Simulations; Automotive systems simulation; Water management simulation; Manufacturing discrete event simulation; Simulation in nanotechnologies; Power plant control simulation; 3D printing simulation languages; GIS simulation technologies; Simulation languages in chemistry.
Submit your proposal in energy simulation here
Modelling, Identification and Control, Bio-mimetic Robotics and Humanoid Robots, Robot Navigation and Localization, Outdoor Robotics, Networked Robotics, Multi-Robot Systems and Parallel Robots, Telerobotics and Communication, UAV, Robot Swarms, Robot Design and Architecture, Telematics, Human Robot Interaction, Robot Vision and Sensing, Robot Data Processing, Medical Robotics and Healthcare (f.ex.INSEWING, RADHAR, BRACOG, HYFLAM projects), Manipulators.
In essence servitization involves firms (often manufacturing firms) developing the robotic capabilities they need to provide services and solutions that supplement their traditional product offerings.
Submit your proposal in servitization here
Assembly Systems and Components, Processes Product Development and Design, Wiring Technology.Technical Production Planning, Device and Equipment Technology, Production processes and Sequences, Information Technology.
Submit your proposal in Automation Robotics here
This track covers the modelling and simulation of autonomous connected robots in health care and health care logistics, robots in logistics, revalidation robots, service robots (Robosoft, Aldebaran, Gostai and Violet), submersible robots, autonomous transportation robots, autonomous robotic vehicles and military robots (BigDog, LittleDog, Rhex, RiSe, etc...)
Submit your proposal in Machine/Machine methodology here
Intelligent Connected Systems connect people and technologies in a way that exponentially expands innovative capacity to create cutting-edge products that may not have been imagined yet. Real-time access to the same unique data provides tighter collaboration between groups supporting the same customers.
Submit your proposal in Intelligent Connected Systems here
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are "engineered systems that are built from, and depend upon, the seamless integration of computational algorithms and physical components". Today, a precursor generation of cyber-physical systems can be found in areas as diverse as aerospace, automotive, chemical processes, civil infrastructure, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, entertainment, and consumer appliances. CPS involves transdisciplinary approaches, merging theory of cybernetics, mechatronic design, and design and process science. This generation is often referred to as embedded systems. In embedded systems the emphasis tends to be more on the computational elements, and less on an intense link between the computational and physical elements. CPS is also similar to the Internet of Things (IoT) sharing the same basic architecture, nevertheless, CPS presents a more evidenced combination and coordination between physical and computational elements. In industrial systems especially, Cyber-Physical Systems empowered by Cloud technologies lead to new approaches that pave the path to Industry 4.0.
Simulating CPS's concentrates on validating a design by imitating its behavior for a given set of inputs. Particular CPS challenges include:
Submit your proposal in Cyber-Physical Systems here
Fog computing harnesses all information avaialble in the cloud and company computer networks to improve production quality and rates in robotics applications and automation processes on the factory floor.
Submit your proposal in Fog-Computing Robotics here
The Modelling in Engineering Processes track focuses on the application of simulation in mechanical and structural engineering. Oscillations and Waves, Stability and Control, Computational Mechanics, Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Methods in Engineering Sciences, Optimization Advanced simulation of dynamic systems, Simulation-based design, Qualitative modelling and simulation in engineering, Fuzzy modelling and simulation, Evolutionary synthesis and evolutionary methods in design, Rapid prototyping, CASE systems in engineering design, Modal Logic systems in design, Simulation in support of system specification and design, Construction Engineering and Project Management.
Submit your proposal in Engineering Processes here
This track covers, requirements modeling for simulation, domain specific languages for modeling and simulation, model transformations for simulation model building, model transformations for simulation model implementation, model-driven engineering of distributed simulation systems, relationship between metamodeling standards (e.g., MOF, Ecore) and distributed simulation standards (e.g., HLA, DIS), metamodels for simulation reuse and interoperability, model-driven technologies for different simulation paradigms (discrete event simulation, multi-agent simulation, sketch-based simulation, etc.), model-driven methods and tools for performance engineering of simulation systems, simulation tools for model-driven software performance engineering, model-driven technologies for simulation verification and validation, model-driven technologies for data collection and analysis, model-driven technologies for simulation visualization, Executable UML, Executable Architectures, SysML / Modelica integration, Simulation Model Portability and reuse, model-based systems verification and validation and simulation for model-based systems engineering
Submit your proposal in Model Driven Engineering here
Simulation is a great designing tool extending the power of CAd and CAE design, that helps designers and engineers design a model and manufacture a good product without spending a lot of money and a lot of time. This track covers the simulation tools especially adapted to harness the power of simulation to create just in time product design.
Submit your proposal in Industrial Product Design here
Automotive simulation of Car Design, car behaviour, vehicle driver interaction, collision tests, on board diagnostics, vision enhancement and collision warning systems, vehicle dynamics and simulation, off-road vehicle design and modelling, engineering propulsion controls simulation, power train and fluid systems simulation, hydrogen and electric engine simulation, homogeneous charge compression ignition, emissions control, brake simulation, MISRA standard Compliance.
With a special interest on Race Car Simulation looking at Aerodynamics simulation, Atmosphere simulation, Lift-Drag Simulation, Wind Tunnel Simulation, Flow Visualization, Computational Fluid Dynamics
Submit your proposal for the Automotive track here
Choice modelling attempts to model the decision process of an individual or segment in a particular context. Choice modelling may be used to estimate non-market environmental benefits and costs. Choice modelling comprises a number of specific techniques that contribute to its power. Some or all of these may be used in the construction of a Choice Model. Orthogonality; Experimental design; Stated preference; Preferences as choice trade-offs; Sampling and block allocation and Model Generation. Choice modelling is particularly useful for:
Submit your proposal in Choice Modelling here
General: FE-Methods and Modelling of Flexible Bodies, Non-holonomic Systems and Geometrical Concepts in Multibody Dynamics, Numerical Aspects of Multibody Dynamics, Optimization and Control of Mechanisms, Articulated and Telescopic Multibody Systems, Air, Land and Sea Multibody Systems Applications.
Multibody Systems in Space: Flexible Body Systems, Orbital Injection, Satellite Injection, Rendezvous and Docking of Spacecraft, Simulation of Space Station Construction and Assembly.
Submit your proposal in Multibody System here
Submit your proposal in organization and management here
Submit your proposal in supporting technologies here
Submit your proposal in formal methods here
Submit your proposal in embedded systems here
Submit your proposal in EDM here
Submit your proposal in CE Process Management here
Submit your proposal in CE Virtual Teams here
Submit your proposal in CE Lean Manufacturing here
Submit your proposal in CE practical Applications here
The objective of this special session is to provide a forum of discussion of new ideas, methods and tools used in Production Planning and Control (PPC) in for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SME's). In this way, the knowledge and experience in new methods and approaches can be shared amongst participants.
The characteristics of SME's present particular challenges to the implementation of PPC concepts. SME's often produce a wide variety of products in low volumes in a Make-To-Order (MTO) or Engineering-To-Order (ETO) basis, with limited financial resources and where the adoption of robotics technology has been complex to install, up to now.
Papers addressing the above issues can be submitted in the following main themes:
Submit your proposal in Factory Planning here
Data Driven Tradespace Exploration and Analysis is a new methodology aimed at transforming the conventional engineering process, which is unable to account for today's challenges of increasing system complexity, increasing pace of technology development, uncertain political futures, and the global availability of technology to potential competitors. The methodology aims to link the following key technical thrusts:
Submit your proposal in Trade Space here
There are presently about 25 3D printing technologies. The oldest is layered object manufacturing, followed by stereolithography. More recent technologies include selective laser sintering, Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS), inkjet technologies, fused deposition modeling, Polyjet matrix and many variations.
All of these technologies take a 3D model, compute cross-sections of that model, and then deposit the cross-sections sequentially on top of each other until the final geometry is achieved.
Applications using this technology include direct parts for a variety of industries including Aerospace, Dental, Medical and other industries that have small to medium size, highly complex parts and the Tooling industry to make direct tooling inserts.
As this methodology and technique is used more and more frequently in the manufacturing process we therefore solicit papers in:
Submit your proposal in Additive Manufacturing here
Smart Factory 1.0 is a concept that proposes that domestic manufacturing equipment should provide digitization and networking, using the third generation of research and development, continuing
upon the steps of concept, innovation, virtual simulation, and rapid prototyping. Smart Factory 1.0 also aims to use digital network equipment, achieving widespread integration of the automation
system at the workshop level and at the on-site level. It also aims at interoperability and information standardization of the main equipment while embracing flexible production.
Industry 4.0 has as its goal the intelligent factory (Smart Factory), which is characterized by adaptability, resource efficiency and ergonomics as well as the integration of customers and business
partners in business and value processes. Technological basis are cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things.
Submit your proposal in Smart Factory here
The goal of this track is to exchange ideas, experiences, and research results between practitioners and researchers. It shall offer the opportunity not only for presenting work done but also for discussing new challenges emerging in this area. It focuses on innovative applications of simulation in the field of production and operation management. State-of-the-art applications covering any part of the value adding chain and any aggregation level are encouraged. This track will show the efficient utilization of simulation techniques and hybrid approaches for the optimization of manufacturing processes.
This track covers: Computer Assisted Learning and Simulation Trainers, Customizing of ERP Systems using Simulation, Distributed Simulation Approaches, Hierarchical Simulation, Integrating Process Mapping and Simulation, Manufacturing Consulting, Manufacturing Controls, Model Integration Standards Optimization and Evaluation, Simulation Frameworks, Simulation of (Manufacturing) Processes in Virtual Enterprises, Virtual Factories, and Virtual Manufacturing Simulation Support Tools , Web-Based Workflow Modeling and Simulation , MRP systems; CAD; CAM; CIM; Process design; Process control; Embedded intelligent control systems; Scheduling; Automotive simulation; Robotics and automation. Manufacturing Applications Transportation and Material Handling, Best Modeling Methods, Integrating Simulation and Design, Manufacturing Modeling Architectures, Manufacturing Modeling Methods, Simulation of Manufacturing Operations, Optical Engineering and Thermofluids, Mechanotronics, Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: Design and Operational Strategies
Submit your proposal in Manufacturing here
Steel manufacturing production validation, steel production planning, abrasive surface modelling, surface grinding, profiling and turning processes, welding, friction stir welding and roboforming.
Ceramic, ceramic resins, epoxy, fiberglass, Kevlar, polymer, silicon carbide, Tenslyon, Graphene, Spidrex, Nano Ceramics, Nanometric Steel, High Strength Alloys, titanium and ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene production and usage simulation.
Submit your proposal in Steel Manufacturing here
This track covers: Semiconductor Manufacturing Simulation Recently, the electronics industry has become the largest industry in the world. One important area of this industry is the manufacturing of integrated circuits (IC) on silicon wafers. Semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities (wafer fabs) are complex manufacturing systems that contain hundreds of machines and thousands of lots. Currently, it seems that the improvement of operational processes creates the best opportunity to realize necessary cost reductions. Therefore, the development of efficient planning and control strategies is highly desirable in the semiconductor domain.
In order to create, implement and test the required novel strategies, it is necessary to take new opportunities of information technology into account. Modelling and Simulation are widely accepted tools in planning and production control in wafer fabs because they are able to deal with the huge complexity of modern wafer fabs.
The aim of the session consists in collecting papers from both industry and academia that deal with interesting applications and new methodologies in modelling and simulation of manufacturing systems in the electronics industry.
Cleanroom Manufacturing Cleanroom suitability test, microsystem technology, cleaning technology, manufacturing technology for clean environments, information systems.
Submit your proposal in Cleanroom Manufacturing here
Manufacturing Technologies, Information Technology Information Processing, Metrology and Testing Technology, Production Methods, Rapid Prototyping
Submit your proposal in Manufacturing Technologies here
Surface Engineering Development, optimisation and modelling of coating processes, integrated process development and management, production-orientated equipment, development, integration of coating processes into production, quality concepts for complex coating processes, surface characterization.
Submit your proposal in Cleanroom Manufacturing here
Coating Technology Simulation Based Scheduling, Supply Chain Planning Semiconductor Manufacturing, Maintenance and Repair, Scheduling and Control and Schedule Evaluation.
Submit your proposal in Coating Technology here
Simulation models are by nature evaluative instead of suggesting any optimal solutions, a simulation model evaluates a given set of design variables and generates the required performance measures. For a decision maker, the process of finding a sufficiently good design setting could be too time-consuming and in many cases impossible if the search space is huge. Simulation-based optimization (SBO) is a relatively new technique that can be applied to seek the optimal setting for a complex system model based on one or multiple performance measures generated from simulation by using various searching methodologies. On one hand, it has been noticed from the recent publications that SBO has been successfully applied to address a wide range of real-world industrial problems with very promising results. On the other hand, it is believed that the potential benefits offered by SBO and related tools are not yet fully explored or understood on the part of industrial prospective users.
The aim of this track is to bring scientists, researchers and industrial practitioners working in simulation from various disciplines with interest in optimization together to share their experiences in applying SBO technologies to a wide range of industrial applications."
Submit your proposal in Optimization here
From reality to simulation and visualization, Simulation based design, Simulation in support of system specification and design, Simulation of rapid prototyping, Modelling and simulation in virtual enterprises, Modelling of mechanical systems, Simulation of fibrous structures and yarns, Simulation of wound packages/woven/braided and Knitted structures, Simulation of textile machinery, Information technology systems, Simulation in Robotics and Automation, Process Control and Optimization, Advanced concepts and simulation of new concepts, Simulation of technology integration, Intelligent systems simulation, Cybernetics and virtual simulation, Drawing understanding and pattern recognition, Advanced multiscale modelling, Machine learning, Neural networks and algorithms application, Fuzzy models in simulation, Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and textile technology. Textile and apparel performance modelling, Planning and control, Integrated product and process modelling, Industrial applications.
Submit your proposal in Textile Manufacturing here
Strategies and Concepts for Production and Logistics, Technical and Organizations Planning of Production and Logistics Systems, Value Stream Mapping, In-Plant Logistics, Integrated Factory and Logistics Planning, Innovative Planning Methods, tools and systems. Production Scheduling and sequencing, Optimization of Production and Assembly Lines Design, Robust Supply Chain Management, Demand Driven Supply Networks, Inventory and routing
Submit your proposal in Logistics here
Supply Chain Optimization and Network Design, Logistics supply chains, inbound logistics, materials management, Manufacturing Supply Chain Management, physical distribution, production planning and control, outbound and inbound logistics, Simulation of regional logistic systems, distribution centres, inventory theory and management, warehousing decisions, strategic inventory management, materials management, handling and packaging, logistics information systems, information management in logistics systems, logistics network design and facility location, cost modelling, Merge-in-Transit and Consolidation Centers, Inter-Firm Collaborations for Logistics, Web based logistics, Military Logistics, Strategic and Operational Carrier Selection in Transportation Auctions
Submit your proposal in Supply Chains here
Decision support systems in medicine (diagnosis, prognosis, therapeutic, treatment follow-up...) which are based on medical knowledge representation, ontologies and cooperation of different knowledge sources. Organisation of health care units (hospital, ...) which involves management, economics, law, deontology, ethics, social and information technology aspects...f ex. Patient waiting time simulation, Emergency evacuation simulation, Brancardage, hospital occupation simulation and optimization. Healthcare Networks, Modelling of Clinical Environments, Clinical Information Flows, Patient Flows in Hospitals, Wards Planning, Drugs Inventory Management, Logistics Flow, Long and Short Time Tables of Personnel, Utility and Case Analysis of Helicopter Usage, Information and Surveillance Systems.
Submit your proposal in Hospital Logistics here
Humanitarian and Sustainable Logistics Humanitarian Logistics Simulation, Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chains, Disruptions Management in Sustainable Supply Chains, Green Logistics.
Submit your proposal in Humanitarian Logistics here
Using stochastic models to plan call center operations, schedule call center staff efficiently, and analyze projected performance is not a new phenomenon. However, several factors have recently conspired to increase demand for call center simulation analysis. The use of in-memory computing for retail logistics.
Increasing complexity in call traffic, coupled with the almost ubiquitous use of Skill-Based Routing. Rapid change in operations due to increased merger and acquisition activity, business volatility, outsourcing options, and multiple customer channels (inbound phone, outbound phone, email,web, chat) to support. Cheaper, faster desktop computing, combined with specialized call center simulation applications that are now commercially available.
Forecasting emergency call volumes in time and space, Optimization of base station locations, coverage problems, Staffing models for emergency services, Real-time travel time models, Dynamic ambulance management Proactive relocations, Models for emergency call centres for ambulance, firefighters and police, Simulation models for emergency planning, Flexible personnel scheduling.
Submit your proposal in Supermarket Logistics here
Traffic flows, multi-modal systems, transit, transportation modes, urban city transport, transportation in logistics, transportation management, traffic demand, traffic control, traffic telematics, traffic performance, safety, macroscopic, mesoscopic and microscopic simulations. Tools for risk assessment analysis and monitoring of container traffic, E-Highways systems.
Submit your proposal in Transport Simulation here
A broad range of diverse technologies, known collectively as intelligent transportation systems (ITS), holds the answer to many of our transportation problems. ITS is comprised of a number of technologies, including information processing, communications, control, and electronics. Joining these technologies to our transportation system will save lives, time and money. ITS enables people and goods to move more safely and efficiently through a state-of-the-art, intermodal transportation system. Simulating this aspect of transportation is one of the major challenges of our time.
Submit your proposal in Intelligent Transport Simulation here
Bulk Terminals, Container Terminals, Harbour Services, Industrial Facilities, Navigation Lines, Multimodal Transports, Oil Terminals, Passenger Terminals, Railways, Ro-Ro Terminals, Ships and Platforms, Supply Chains and Warehouses, Harbour Management, Safety in Maritime Environments, Vessel Traffic Systems.
Submit your proposal in Harbour Simulation here
The aviation sector knows many logistic processes that are stochastic by nature. Varying from the arrival pattern of passengers, the timetable of flights affected by the weather, the technical condition of aircraft, the variability of the execution of the flight schedule of an airline or airport differs every single day. To assist in the prediction/study of the response of a logistic process in the aviation sector on disturbances simulation is a very valuable tool. This track focuses on the application of simulation in the aviation sector. Papers on case studies as well as simulation tools developed specifically for the aviation sector are welcome such as; Airport logistics simulation, passenger traffic throughput simulation, Aircraft traffic and airport capacity optimization. These can cover in more detail: Check-in and passenger control, Security and screening processes, Baggage and freight handling, Turnaround process management, Ground handling management, Optimized take off and departure methods, Gate assignment and check-in counter assignment, Intermodal transport connection, Green airport operations management and Planning of uncertain and dynamic airport operations.
Submit your proposal in Airport Simulation here
Urban simulations for supporting planning and analysis of urban development, incorporating the interactions between land use, transportation, the economy, and the environment. This track is aimed at Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), cities, counties, non-governmental organizations, researchers and students interested in exploring the effects of infrastructure and policy choices on community outcomes such as motorized and non-motorized accessibility, housing affordability, greenhouse gas emissions, and the protection of open space and environmentally sensitive habitats.
Submit your proposal in Urban Simulation here
Advanced statistical techniques for Business: dependency networks, influence diagrams, data envelopment analysis, data mining. Design of Methodological Studies. Machine Learning Techniques with applications in business. Data warehouses, OLAP, meta-data related issues and such. Neural Networks and Support-vector machines in Business. Genetic algorithms in Business. Decision/Classification/Regression Trees and rule-based systems in Business. K-Nearest Neighbours, case-based reasoning and other Methods. Fuzzy-related methodology in Business. Verification and/or validation techniques. Adaptive systems related to machine learning/data mining. Clustering methodologies with applications in business. Time-series methods/applications for Business. Other identification-methods applicable for Business.
Submit your proposal in Datamining Business Processes here
Data Mining or fuzzy-related Tools. Text-mining related to Business. Web Data mining and information retrieval. Fraud-detection, CRM, SRM, ERM, sensor information retrieval. Datamining in combination with change detection and forensic analysis for information retrieval and assimilation, text accumulation analysis using AI and natural language processing techniques, Metadata mining.
Submit your proposal in Datamining Applications here
Internationally, poor quality and safety in medical care are major problems having significant economic and societal, as well as health impacts that require urgent attention. Information Technology(IT) is increasingly recognized as an important part of the solution. The concept of Meaningful Use has been introduced to encourage the medical community to fully explore the potential of IT to transform health care, incorporating decision support, electronic information exchange and interoperability. However, the field is still in its infancy and optimal methods of incorporating IT into complex health care systems have not been established. A particular challenge is the need to keep the patient at the center. The medical establishment has begun to recognise the importance of lessons learned and approaches developed in the field of engineering. This track provides an opportunity for cross-fertilization of ideas and approaches to help accelerate progress in this important domain.
The track covers: Health Care Management, Strategic Management & Resource Planning in Health Care, Operational Management in Health Care, Decision Support in Health Care, Disease Management and Emergency and Disaster Organization, Case Studies: Success St ories and Failures, Medical Informatics, Medical Instruments and Devices, Fluid Flow and Transport Processes in Biological Systems, Drug Delivery Systems.
Submit your proposal in Health Care Management here
This track covers topics such as:
Submit your proposal in Geosimulation here
Adaptive markets complex simulation based on cell biology, neuroeconomics and behavioural economics. Analytic Methods for Financial and Economic Protection. Macroeconomic models estimation and model development. Economic Analysis and Econometrics simulation using Stochastic General Equilibrium Model, State-space Methods, Bayesian estimation and Time Series analysis, Simulation and optimisation, Experimental design of simulation studies, Queuing networks and models, Embedded Heuristics in simulation and Rule-based optimization and simulation, Symbolic Regression Techniques, Financial Times Series Prediction, Weighted and Filtered Historical Simulation, Predictive Analytics in banking, Markets' Simulation, Blockchain Bitcoin simulation.
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Knowledge Management and Agent-based computational economics (ACE), Intelligent Business Agents, Human and Agent Interaction, Virtual-Agent Based Marketplaces, Automated Shopping and Trading Agents, Agents and E-Commerce, Legal Aspects of agents in e-commerce, performance measurement of e-commerce agents, rational information agents and electronic commerce, Agent-Based Trade and Mediating Services; Virtual Trading Institutions
Agent-Based Interface for Business Automation. Agent-Based Data Retrieval for Business Automation. Agent-Based Automatic Demand/Supply Formation for Business Automation. Agent-Based Demand/Supply Matching for Business Automation. Agent-Based Transaction Formation for Business Automation. Agent-Based Transaction Implementation for Business Automation. Agent-Based Logistics and Workflow Management for Business Automation Modeling. System Design and Validation for Agent-Based Business Automation.
Applications; Personal Agents, Virtual Agent-Based Office, E-Management and E-Control with Agents, E-Trade and E-Marketplace with Agents, E-Payment and E-Banking with Agents, Financial and Investment Agent-Based Applications, Agent-Based Supply Chain and B2B Systems, Agents for Games on the Internet, Wireless Agent-Based Systems, Semantic Web and Agents, Large Scale E-Business: Agent Based Systems
Agent Methodology; Agent Learning, Agent Negotiation, Agent Trusts and Trust Based Action, Agent Cooperation Competition, AI Techniques: Neural Networks, Agent Coordination for Cooperative Systems, Agent Communication/Interaction, Agent Security and, Authentication, Agent Visualization, Agent and Multi-Agent Architecture, Distributed and Real-Time Techniques
Submit your proposal in Agents in Business here
Business process engineering and simulation, Simulation in customer-oriented service processes, Decision support systems, Simulation in Finance and Risk Management, Simulation in workflow management, Process mapping and simulation, Simulation of production processes and equipment, Business Information Modeling Methods and Methodologies, UML and UP in Business Modelling, UML and UP for Enterprise Modeling.
Submit your proposal in Business and Economics here
Enhancing strategic thinking and decision making capabilities using simulation games; Simulating Key Management and Strategic Issues; Customized Business Simulation Applications, Systems Thinking and System Dynamics; Visualizing, analyzing and solving challenges and opportunities; Using games to achieve strategic objectives; Simulation with "man in the loop"; Virtual Reality systems; Realistic presentation of simulation results; Simulation for training and education; Web-based simulation; Multi-site Group simulation; Simulation of Emergency procedures (Disaster gaming)
Submit your proposal in Business Games here
This track covers topics such as:
Submit your proposal in Environmental Effects here
Management and Business simulation using PDSim, TreeAge Pro, StatFit, MyStrategy, Extend OR, Decision Pro, Decision Script, Crystal Ball, Analytica, AgenaRisk, @Risk, CBML, Cognos OlAP Datacubes in order to simulate a flexible system for setting up, tracking and communicating company performance against a set of management-defined Key Measurables within the Dashboard Module, Activity Based Intelligence.
Submit your proposal in Simulation Business Tools here
The skill of the management scientist lies in the ability to balance the reality of the developed model with the effort that it will take to find an answer to the problem. Many decision support systems (DSS) use representational models to predict the impact of possible decisions. There are two major types of model: simulation and analytical. A more subjective approach to decision-making is needed. While information and some form of data processing are essential, the decision-maker should adopt a less structured approach to the way the data is used. The development of interactive software has given more flexibility to the way in which the decision-maker uses the data and the applied models. This is the essence of decision support systems. Simulation models as used in business, policy, conflict situations, and and crisis management through, in almost all cases, dynamic, discrete-event, and stochastic models. According to the application area, the researcher or designer should model the real-world situation very carefully. An incorrect, incomplete, or inconsistent model could result in a bad decision being made by the decision-maker possibly resulting in economic loss, physical damage or injury. The simulation models and their applications should take into account uncertainty and thus contain procedures for risk analysis. We are therefore interested in research presentations on the science of designing and developing simulation models to solve decisional problems in policy, management, conflict situations, and anti-disaster actions. In particular (but not exclusively), we welcome presentations and reports in the following areas:
Submit your proposal in OR and Knowlegde Management here
This part of the conference concerns itself more with the more "extreme" aspects of management, extreme managerial situations or management problem solving using numerical modelling, GIS, and information and Web 2.0 technologies. This track covers
Submit your proposal in Emergency Management here
This track covers Futures Research, Methodology Evaluation, Environmental Scanning, The Delphi Method, Real-Time Delphi, The Futures Wheel and Polygoni,Trend Impact Analysis, Cross-Impact Analysis, Wild Cards Modelling, Structural Analysis, Systems Perspectives, Decision Modeling, Substitution Analysis, Statistical Modeling, Technology Sequence, Morphological Analysis, Relevance Trees, Scenarios and Interactive Scenarios (modelling software), Robust Decision making, Participatory Methods, Simulation and Games, Genius Forecasting and Intuition, Visioning for Strategic Planning, Normative Forecasting, TRIZ, S&T Road Mapping, Field Anomaly Relaxation (FAR), Text Mining for Technology Foresight, Global Event Mining (using f.ex.Culturomics 2.0), Agent Modeling (demo software), Prediction Markets, Forecasting By Artificial Neural Networks, SOFI Software Systems, Multiple Perspective Concept, Toolboxes for Scenario Planning, Heuristics Modeling, Causal Layered Analysis, Linking Methods, Integration, Comparisons, and Frontiers.
Submit your proposal in Predictive Simulation here
e-learning/ education management, knowledge management, knowledge economy, multimedia in manufacturing companies, maintenance of technical facilities and maintenance service management UML applications in Risk Management Modelling. E-democracy, electronic local government, the digital divide, e-governors, citizen centric services, GovMl Description Language, Government Portals, Shared contact centres, Costs and Risks, Customer relationship management, Models for automatic evaluation of public sector sites, the role of standards, knowledge management, community portal dynamics, diversity, creativity, Innovation and Knowledge Management in the Service Sector, Integrated Electronic Records, from e-government to e-regulation.
Knowledge Management and Dynamic Portals, Learning Networks: Policy making through portals, Portals with Purpose Case Studies, e-government portal design and Evolution, Risk Based Testing of E-government Portals
Submit your proposal in Policy Modelling here
This track covers but is not limited to: Geopolitical Simulation, Domestic Policy Simulation, Political Campaign Simulation, Conflict Simulation, Crisis Simulation.
Submit your proposal in Government Simulation here
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This track has as theme, the application of intelligent sensing, control, optimisation and modelling techniques for sustainability, renewable energy and sustainability-related topics. It covers: |
Green genetics, biopolymers, biodiesel, bio-alcohol, bio-refining, white biotechnology, catchbio, paper and agrofibers, seaweed production, Ethanol from pulp and maize, jatropha Curcas, Bioliq, Taylor made fuels: isosorbides and amber acids. Sequestration of carbon monoxide, Carbon capture and storage.
High efficiency power storage systems: battery systems; reversible fuel cells; flywheel systems; Kinetic energy use; super-capacitors.
Control and optimisation of renewable energy systems: sensors and instrumentation technology, virtual sensors; smart monitoring and control using intelligent systems; high-efficiency switching systems; highly-efficient voltage conversion systems; novel high efficiency distribution systems and low voltage busses.
Energy modelling schemes: life cycle analysis methodologies; tools and life cycle analysis; triple-bottom-line analysis.
On-site, off-grid, grid-supplemented generation systems; combined heat and power (CHP) and micro-CHP systems
Power PlantsNuclear energy from fission and fusion, Geothermal power plants, biomass fuel, low emission coal plants, Stirling cycle engines, bio-fuelled diesel generators.
Solar EnergySolar power, Solar cells, Photovoltaic solar energy, Solar thermal power stations, Solar power generators household energy systems, New solar cell production (from inkjets f.ex.), Affordable photovoltaic solar energy.
Wave EnergyTidal wave energy stimulation, Hydropowerwave/tidal.
Wind Energy and materialsMicro-wind turbines, horizontal and vertical axis aero-generators, Wind Turbines, Brushless double fed generators for windmill parks, Superglass for windmill ball bearings. Specifically also looking at:
The application of intelligent sensing, control, optimisation and modelling techniques the technology of sustainable buildings. Applications to building services: heating and ventilating control systems for reduced energy use; building management systems; sustainable building techniques using digital printing; low energy building technology; low energy lighting systems; high-output light LED lighting systems; passive solar heating systems. F.ex.Buildings as Carbon gas receptors, Thermo electric materials for improved energy efficiency and Solar warmth as cooling agent.
Green car technology using hydrogen fuel cells, Renewable fuels and biofuels, Fluid biogas, Hybrid vehicles, Plug-in-hybrids, Battery powered cars (lithium ion batteries with manganese components). Vehicles with Electric motors, inverters, and Air compressor motors
High Tech MaterialsUltralight and advanced high-strength steel, Carbon fiber and aluminum, Magnesium, Polycarbonate resin, Polymer composites
Solar sailing, using sun and wind power (Skysails), windmill turbine boats, LNG, hybrid power plants.
Ship designDolphin shaped fin-keels, SharkSkin Coatings, Air Bubble Vents, Stern Flaps.
Hydrogen Planes (Hy-Bird), Biofuel Planes
Submit your proposal in Green Technology here