The aim of the Game-On series of conferences on simulation and AI in Computer Games, is to bring together researchers and games people in order to exchange ideas on programming and programming techniques, and on games hardware design and applications which will be beneficial both to the gaming industry, academia and non-entertainment gaming communities. Secondly they aim to steer young people into this industry by providing how-to tutorials and giving them the opportunity to show their ideas and demos to the gaming industry. The conferences are mostly concentrated on the programming of games, with special emphasis on simulation, physics modelling, AI techniques and Methodology applied to gaming, computational intelligence, and physics related computer graphics. All these subsets are then fused into the topic of computer game design in stand-alone and networked games in the entertainment as well as in the serious games environments. Software and hardware providers are also able to show at these conferences their latest packages and give hand-on tutorials for the participants. Last bit not least as a result of the interchange, companies are also given the opportunity to seek new talent at these events.
The GAME-ON conference started its life as a special track of the TILE (Technology in Leisure Conference) which was held in Maastricht, The Netherlands in 1997. However, at that time the idea turned out to be a bit premature as games were still not considered worthy of scientific research and did not have the broad platform they needed for general acceptance. Therefore at the time, it was not a mitigated success. As simulation and graphics migrated from dedicated workstations to high powered PC's, however, and as computer games demanded increased processing power, the two disciplines merged in the high powered PC with enhanced graphic cards around the turn of the century. At that time, around the end of 1999, the decision was taken to revive the GAME-ON conference idea, so that by December 2000 the event was held for the first time at Imperial College London. After several editions in the UK, the conference moved out across Europe, where it has been held every year at the end of November, beginning of December. Because of its unique scientific value the conference concept was exported to North America, where the first GAMEON-NA was held at McGill University, Montreal in August 2005. The conference continued its march eastwards with the first GAMEON-ASIA being organised at Ritsumeikan University in Shiga, Japan, March 1-3, 2007 and with the first GAMEON-ARABIA being held in Alexandria, Egypt, December 2010.
Online Publication
All GAME-ON Proceedings are indexed on SCOPUS and Elsevier Engineering Village. | ![]() |
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Game Industry in Flanders
Here's a video link on the present Games Industry in Flanders.
GAME-ON'2025, September 3-5, Nova School of Business and Economics, Campus Carcavelos, Lisbon, Portugal
GAME-ON'2025, September 3-5, Nova School of Business and Economics, Campus Carcavelos, Lisbon, Portugal
- Call for Papers
Text Format
Pdf Format (not YET linked)
- Call for Papers
- GAME-ON'2024, September 9-11, 2024, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings
- Wish you were here - to be added
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON'2023, September 6-8, 2023, SETU - South East Technological University, Carlow, Ireland
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings
- Wish you were here - to be added
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON'2022, September 14-16, 2022, Colegio Almada Negreiros, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings
- Wish you were here - to be added
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON'2021, September 22-24, Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, , Aveiro, Portugal
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings
- Wish you were here - NOT APPLICABLE - ONLINE EVENT
- Best Paper
GAME-ON'2020, September 23-25, Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, , Aveiro, Portugal
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings
- Wish you were here - NOT APPLICABLE - ONLINE EVENT
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON'2019, September 18-20, Breda University of Applied Sciences, Breda, The Netherlands
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- GAME-ON 2019 Exhibition
- Wish you were here - not yet linked
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON'2018, September 18-20, Abertay University, Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- GAME-ON 2018 in the news (here and here
- Wish you were here - not yet linked
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON'2017, September 6-8, 2017, Institute of Technology Carlow, Carlow, Ireland
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here - not yet linked
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON'2016, September 13-15, 2016, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here - not yet linked
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON'2015, December 2-4, 2015, University of Amsterdam (UvA) , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here - not yet linked
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON'2014, September 8-10, 2014, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, United Kingdom
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here - not yet linked
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON'2013, November 25-27, 2013, TheHotel, Brussels, Belgium
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here - not yet linked
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON'2012, November 14-16, 2012, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain.
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here Thanks Jose Machado
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON 2011, August 22-24, 2011, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here - Not yet linked
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON 2010, November 17-19, 2010, De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom.
- Best Paper
Not yet linked
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here Thanks Cesar Alejandro Garcia Garcia
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON 2009, November 26-28, 2009, Mediadesign Hochschule, Duesseldorf, Germany.
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here Thanks Sui Yifan
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON 2008, November 17-19, 2008, UPV, Valencia, Spain in conjunction with CDV, Congreso de Desarrolladores de Videojuegos
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here
- Press and here (thanks Toni Barella)
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON 2007, November 20-22, 2007, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here (thanks Worapoj Thunputtaraku and Dragos Datcu)
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON 2006, November 29-december 1, 2006, TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON 2005, November 24-25, 2005, de Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom
- Best Paper
Not yet linked
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here (Thanks Ingo Steinhauser)
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON 2004, November 24-25, 2004, Het Pand, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
- Best Paper
Not yet linked
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here (Thanks Ingo Steinhauser)
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON 2003, November 19-23, 2003, IEE, London, United Kingdom
- Best Paper
Not yet linked
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here
- Best Paper
- GAME-ON 2002, November 28-30, 2002, Westminster University, Harrow, United Kingdom
- Best Paper I and Best paper II
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here
- Best Paper I and Best paper II
- GAME-ON 2001, November 30 - December 1, 2001, Holiday Inn, London Nelson Dock, London, United Kingdom
- Proceedings FREE TO DOWNLOAD
- Proceedings FREE TO DOWNLOAD
- GAME-ON 2000, November 11-12, 2000, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
GAMEON-NA North America
GAME-ON-NA'2019, July 2-4, 2019, Universite Laval, Quebec City, Canada - - Conference postponed to 2020 and papers transferred to GAMEON'2019
- Call for Papers
Text Format
Pdf Format - Not yet linked
- Call for Papers
- GAMEON-NA 2013, August 19-21, 2013, San Diego, USA.
Text Format
Pdf Format - Conference cancelled and papers transferred to GAMEON'2013
- GAMEON-NA 2012, August 16-18, 2012, Digipen Institute of Technology, Redmond, USA.
- Cancelled and papers transferred to GAMEON
- GAMEON-NA 2011, September 28-30 2011, Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA.
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here Thanks Ian Parberry and Mei Si
- Best Paper
- GAMEON-NA 2010, August 25-27, 2010, Digipen Institute of Technology, Redmond, USA. Was cancelled and papers transferred to GAMEON'2010.
- GAMEON-NA 2009, August 26-28, 2009, Georgia Tech Global Learning Center, Atlanta, USA.
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here Thanks Yadira Mendoza
- Best Paper
- GAMEON-NA 2008, August 13-15, 2008, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here
- Best Paper
- GAMEON-NA 2007, September 10-12, 2007, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA.
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here
- Best Paper
- GAMEON-NA 2006, September 19-20, 2006, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, USA
- Best Paper
Not yet linked
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here
- Best Paper
- GAMEON-NA 2005, August 22-23, 2005, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
GAMEON ASIA 2015, March 25-27, 2015, Ghent University Global Campus, Incheon, South-Korea
- Call for Papers Text Format
Pdf Format - Not yet linked
- Call for Papers Text Format
- GAMEON ASIA 2014, March 10-12, 2014, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore
- Cancelled and papers transferred to GAMEON'2014
- GAMEON ASIA 2013, March 7-9, 2013, Westin Bund, Shanghai, China
- Cancelled and papers transferred to GAMEON-NA and GAMEON
- GAMEON ASIA 2012, February 24-26, 2012, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here Thanks Karin Wenz and Umair Azfar Khan
- Best Paper
- GAMEON ASIA 2011, March 1-3, 2011, Digipen Institute of Technology Singapore, Singapore
- Best Paper
No best paper was selected in 2011
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here Thanks Pia Benosa
- Best Paper
- GAMEON ASIA 2010, March 1-3, 2010, Westin Bund Center, Shanghai, China
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here (Thanks Renate Sitte)
- Best Paper
- GAMEON ASIA 2007, March 1-3, 2007, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan.
- Best Paper
Not yet linked
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings
- Wish you were here
- Best Paper
GAMEON-ARABIA 2017, November 20-22, 2017, Dubai
Text Format
Pdf Format - Not yet linked
- GAMEON-ARABIA 2016, April 4-6, 2016 , AOU, Amman, Jordan cancelled and papers transferred to GAME-ON'2016
Text Format
Pdf Format - Not yet linked
- GAMEON-ARABIA 2015, March 2-4, AOU, Manama, Bahrain
- Best Paper
Not yet linked
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings
- Wish you were here To be added soon
- Best Paper
- GAMEON-ARABIA 2014, February 3-5, AOU, Muscat, Oman
- Best Paper
Not yet linked
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings
- Wish you were here To be added soon
- Best Paper
- GAMEON-ARABIA 2012, December 10-12. 2012, AOU, Muscat, Oman
- Best Paper
Not yet linked
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings
- Wish you were here Not yet linked
- Best Paper
- GAMEON-ARABIA 2011, November 14-16, 2011, Arab Open University-Jordan Campus, Amman, Jordan.
- Best Paper
Not yet linked
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings
- Wish you were here Thanks Vasil Georgiev
- Best Paper
- GAMEON-ARABIA'2010, December 1-3, 2010, Alexandria, Egypt
- Best Paper
Not yet linked
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings
- Wish you were here Thanks Jakob Erdmann
- Best Paper
Not yet linked
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conferences please put me on the EUROSIS mailing list - I would like to be involved in future GAMEO-N conferences and would like to be
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